Chapter 3

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" Take positions, " Sensei Wu told us. We all found a position, but we kept an eye Morro and his dragon.

" I give you this much. That Ninja never quits. " Cole scowled. You didn't say anything, you just kept an on Morro.

Suddenly his dragon fired a green fireball at us.

" Port side! " Both you and Zane shouted at the same time. We dodge the fireball and kept going avoiding Morro.

" The Cannons! " Cole shouted. Jay took a seat at one of the cannons and began shooting after Morro's dragon but with no luck. He circled around the ship and shot another fireball at us. Nya saw this and got us out of the way.

" Aah! Let me get this straight. You're just telling us now that you had another pupil before us, and now his cursed spirit has possessed Lloyd, all so that he can take your staff? " Jay frantically shouted at Sensei Wu.

" Morro won't stop until he gets what he's after. There's a secret message engraved on it. All these years, I had no idea. " Sensei Wu explained and looked at his staff.

" Of course. Ha, just another day in Ninjago. " Jay said and looked to the side and saw Morro. All of a sudden, Morro's dragon pulled away and began flying upside down over the ship. This confused you until you saw what he was doing.

" Everyone! Get ready to fight! " You shouted.

Just as you had predicted, he landed on the Bounty and got out two swords.

" I need ink and parchment to make an imprint to see what's on the staff. " Sensei Wu told us as he stepped back and Zane stood in front of him.

" Kai and I will take you to our quarters while Jay, Cole, and y/n keep him busy. " Zane explained his plan.

" Oh, that's honorable of you to nominate us. " Cole retorted.

" Yeah, we didn't fare so hot last time. Why is it you get off with the easy task? " Jay asked.

" Because I'm the intelligent one. " Was the only thing Zane said and disappeared.

" Guys! We don't have time for this. " You said and looked at Morro.

" Ah, let's take this guy. " Jay said and we all began attacking Morro. Cole and Jay were both kicked into the mast, but you deflected Morro's attack.

" Not bad. " Morro said, which only infuriated you more. All of a sudden, Morro's two swords were knocked out of his hands. You looked behind him and saw Nya in her Samurai X gear.

Morro attacked Nya with what appeared to be Jay elemental powers. This caused the control system to deflate the autopilot and the Bounty began swerving.

You grabbed a hold of something so you wouldn't fall, the others weren't so lucky. You saw Morro jump down to where Kai, Zane, and Sensei Wu were and you followed him.

At this point, you saw red.

It was hard to keep balance, you guess Nya to get control of the Bounty again. You reached Morro and saw him fighting Kai and Zane who were being kicked left and right.

The Bounty began swerving again, and a wooden box nearly just missed you, you can't say Zane was that lucky. Now it was just Kai and Morro.

" Kai! " You shouted after him, but he didn't hear you.

" Your team will fall apart without its Green leader. " Morro mocked Kai.

" I'll lead them. And make sure you go down if it's the last thing I do. Sensei says you won't give up. Well, neither will I! " Kai sounded determined as they kept pushing each other back and forth.

All of a sudden the Bounty hit something, you didn't know what but it created a hole where Morro and Kai were fighting, and resulting in Kai almost being sucked out of the ship.

" Kai! " You shouted and ran towards him.

" I'm coming, Kai! " You guess Zane woke up from the giant crash. But before you or Zane could reach Kai, the Bounty swerved again sending you both down the hall.

You saw Morro blast Kai with his wind, and it looked like Kai could barely hold on any longer.

" No! " You shouted and got up. You had already lost Lloyd, you could not lose Kai too.

Just then, you saw Sensei Wu run past you.

" You want the staff? Take it! " Sensei Wu proceeded to throw the staff out of the hole of the ship.

Everything happened in slow motion. Morro went after the staff as Kai couldn't hold on any longer.

Luckily you caught Kai's hand before he could fall any further.

" y/n! " Kai shouted.

" Don't worry! I got you! " You smiled back at him. Zane helped you get Kai back onto the ship. You saw you guys were getting closer to the ground and knew what was going to happen.

" Take cover! " You shouted as the Bounty crashed.


The bounty had crashed and everything seemed peaceful so far, thankfully everyone was okay.

" Okay, let's never do that again. " Kai said.

" Agreed, " you answered looking at the giant hole.

" Ah, just think, if Sensei hadn't gotten rid of the staff, it could've been worse. " Jay said. He kind of had a point there.

" Yeah, but now we don't know the message. " Cole pointed out as he carefully slid down to us. Sensei Wu right behind him.

" Not exactly. I managed to make an imprint. " Sensei Wu showed us the imprint he made on the wall.

A tornado, a sword, and a skull.

" But what does it all mean? " Jay asked he was just as confused as the rest of us.

" My father told me long ago that he would leave a message, leading me to his final resting place. After he passed, I looked everywhere for it, not knowing it was in my hand all this time. " Sensei Wu explained.

" You mean to tell us- " Kai said as we all followed Sensei Wu outside.

" Yes. These symbols will lead us to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. The only problem is I haven't the foggiest idea what any of them mean. " Sensei Wu explained to us.

" Well, if Morro is trying to find the tomb, we have to find it first. " Kai glowered.

" Hey, maybe Misako can help decipher the clues since she's a total history buff. " Cole chimed in. Then Zane took out his robot Falcon.

" P.I.X.A.L., release the Falcon and give her our location. " Zane ordered. The Falcon spread its wings and flew away.

" Good, then we set up camp. " Sensei Wu said.


We were all sitting around the fire, just relaxing after what had happened.

" Care to hear a ghost story? " Sensei Wu asked all of a sudden.

" If it means saving Lloyd, of course. " Zane answered.

" Morro may have been my first pupil, but he was also my greatest regret. Before he was a cursed spirit, it wasn't I who found him...but he who found me. My brother had just gone off to train under Master Chen, which gave me time to attempt my hand at teaching. Morro was the perfect student. He did everything that was ever asked of him. " Sensei Wu explained and you, listened carefully as he told the story about Morro to you all.

He also explained how he thought Morro could've been the green ninja.

" Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up. You're saying Morro, the Master of Wind was going to be the Green Ninja!? " Jay said shocked.

Just then, the fire began acting strange as the wind shifted and it got bigger. You took control over the of the fire and made it smaller and calmer.

" Uh, did that just happened? Maybe I don't like ghost stories. " Cole said uneasily.

" What happened next, Sensei? " Zane asked.

" After I told him he could be the Green Ninja, there was a hunger unmatched. " Sensei Wu explained having a sad kind of tone.

He told us after destiny had refused Morro, he became more reckless and tried to convince Wu he was the green ninja. In the end, Morro left the monastery in search of the first spinjitsu master's tomb. Sensei Wu hoped he would come back, but he never did.

" I am saddened he was banished to the Cursed Realm. But what worries me more is that he escaped, and for what reason? To save Lloyd and return your powers, you must find the tomb before he does. Or else. " Sensei Wu explained, and we all looked at each other.

" Or else what? " Jay dared to ask.

" Unspeakable power will curse us all. " Sensei Wu said.

" Just another day in Ninjago, am I right? " Jay tried to laugh it off

" This is different. Lloyd is at stake. " Kai looked seriously at Jay.

" But how can we compete against the Green Ninja? He's more powerful than all four of us combined. " Cole explained.

" That was before we lost our powers. " Zane interjected.

" You all may have lost your powers, but I still have mine. How I don't know, but I sure as hell will use them to save Lloyd. " You said determinedly.

" But it's like Sensei said. Our real power doesn't come from our hands, it comes from inside here. This is Lloyd we're talking about. This is one mission we cannot fail. " Kai said and we all agreed.

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