Chapter 21

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A/N: So I have seen a lot of you guys asking me about if I'm continuing after I'm done with this book. To be honest, I didn't really expect to continue after this book since I thought to myself that this would be the last book. But as I said a lot of you guys have been asking me to continue this journey. 

Let's say I do continue after this book, nothing is decided yet. I want to know what you guys want. Is there a specific season you want me to follow, or do you want it set in the far future? 

As I said nothing is decided yet.

P.S. This may be shorter than normal.

P.S.S. Here's a picture of some bookmarks I made. (I know, very random. And yes, I do like BBC'S Sherlock)


During dinner, you talked and laughed with the others. stealing glances ever so often at Lloyd who was sitting beside you. 

Later on, everything had calmed down a little, and everyone was talking to somebody. You took a sip of your drink and looked around you thinking how good it felt that this chaos was over

And most importantly, you had Lloyd. 

You looked over and saw he was talking and joking with Kai, you smiled at this. You placed down your drink at the table and placed your hand on the floor close to Lloyd's 

" So y/n, What's it's like to have your fiancé back~ " Nya wiggled her eyebrows at you. you laughed at her. 

" It's... You know, great to have him back. " you tried to explain the happiness you were feeling all along. 

You and Nya got to chatting about random things that you totally forgot about your hand. 

You were leaning on your arm and shifted to get more comfortable, but when you felt something under your hand you turned around and saw you had placed your hand over Lloyd's unintentionally. You looked and saw Lloyd looking at you with lovestruck eyes and you smiled at him. 

" Woohoo!  Can we get a round of applause for the lovely couple Lloyd and y/n! " Jay shouted and everyone around us cheered. 

You smiled at everyone around and then looked at Lloyd again and was already smiling at you. He reached his hand up and caressed your cheek. You leaned into his touch, loving the feeling you have been missing for so long. 

Lloyd placed his other hand over your cheek and pulled you into a passionate kiss and everyone cheered even louder. 

" I love you y/n, forever and ever. " Lloyd said as he pulled away from you. 

" And I will love you forever and ever and ever Lloyd. " This made Lloyd smile and kiss you again. 


It was getting late and you and the ninja agreed to get back to the Bounty and get some sleep after this ordeal.  

You and Lloyd walked hand-in-hand back to your room. 

You entered your room.

" It's been a hot minute since I've been here. " Lloyd said while looking around. You laughed at his comment. 

" Well, you have been gone for some time. " You walked over to him and hugged him tightly, still afraid this was some cruel dream you could wake up from any minute. 

" Hey, I told you this is not a dream. " Lloyd said as if he knew what you were thinking. 

" I know, it's just so hard to believe. I mean, you're finally here. " You smiled and held his hand. Lloyd wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your forehead and placed your head on his shoulder. 

You stood like that for a minute or more you really didn't care, the only thing that mattered was that you had Lloyd back in your arms. 

" We should probably go to bed, it's been a long day for us both. " You pulled away from Lloyd and turned towards your closet to find some comfy nightclothes. 

While you were looking, you felt arms go around your waist. 

" Lloyd? " you asked and looked over your shoulder and saw Lloyd's on your shoulder. 

" I missed you... " you heard him whisper. You leaned your head on top of his.

" I missed you too, more than you'll ever know. " You whispered to him. 

You felt Lloyd kissing your shoulder and slowly moving up. You didn't even resist, you had missed him too much to resist and his kisses felt so good against your skin. 

-------------------------------AFTER THE NSFW WHOLE ORDEAL-------------------------------------

" I love you y/n, and I can't wait to make you my wife. " Lloyd whispered in your ear and kissed your head. 

" Well, I can't wait to make you my husband. " You said and felt Lloyd chuckle. 

" Goodnight y/n, sweet dreams. " Lloyd whispered and kissed your ring finger on your left hand. 

" Goodnight Lloyd, I love you, " you said and kissed his chest. 

" I love you too. " Lloyd said before you drifted to sleep. 

For the rest of the night, you two laid in each others arms. 

No matter what happened to you two, you would always find a way to work things out. 

the beginning of change ( Lloyd x reader )Where stories live. Discover now