Chapter 8

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" Everyone, get ahold of yourselves! Even if my volume wasn't stuck, I'd still be yelling at this decibel! " Zane yelled. 

" Zane's right. What are we doing? We need to toughen up. We're Ninja! We already missed out on the Airjitzu the first time, we can't let this opportunity pass. " Cole had a point, we had missed the first chance but we can't miss this time. 

" Uh, guys? Are paintings supposed to move? " Kai nervously point the moving painting out. Jay walked and knocked on the picture and water started flowing out. If you weren't creeped out before, you certainly were now. 

" Why did you touch the scary picture, Jay? " Cole rebuked. 

" I didn't know it would do that, Cole! " Jay snapped right back at Cole. 

" Guys calm down, let's just get out of here. " You said trying to calm the guys down, Kai ran over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. 

" As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student! " You heard Yang spirit again. At this point, there was water up to our waists, yours was a little higher since you were a little shorter. 

" Oh, great, back for round two. " Jay yelled.

" Water. I'm afraid of...water. We're all gonna drown! " Kai was hyperventilating. You hurried over to him and tried to calm him down. 

" Kai look at me. Look at me! " you shouted and held his face in your hands. He still held on to the door handles but you didn't care. 

" Okay focus on me and only on me, You're gonna be fine okay just breathe. " You spoke softly to him so as not to alert him even more. You continued to do breathing exercises and trying to keep calm, so much that you didn't notice the water had reached your face. 

" Okay, Kai, you won't like this, but I need you to a deep breathe and try to open the door," you told him. He looked at you scared. 

" Don't worry I'll be right beside you, " you said softly.

" Okay on three, one, two... Three! " You took a huge breath and dove under while holding on to Kai. 

You looked at Kai and then point at the door. Kai wiggled the handles and you tried kicking the door. Finally, the door opened and the water and everything went into the hall in a huge tidal wave. 

" Well, that wasn't refreshing. " Kai stated. 

" you can say that again. " You said. 

" First the haunting, then water. What's next? " Cole wondered. 

" That's it. He is testing us. Don't you see, Cole's afraid of Ghosts, and Kai's afraid of water. " Jay pointed out. 

" As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student. He's making us face our fears. " Kai said. 

" Which means whatever he throws at us next, we have to face together. And this time, no running away. " Cole stated. 

" Or swimming away. " Jay said and you just slumped your shoulder and hung your head. 

" Fine, but time's running out and if we don't figure out a way of staying in this together, none of us are gonna get out alive. " Kai began running and we all followed him. 


 " All right, no matter what happens, no one can run away. We're in this together. "  Cole said as we all tighten the rope around our waists. 

" Haha! Ain't no thang but a Sensei Yang. Let's find him and get that Airjitzu. " Jay said we began walking. 

" Just so we're not surprised, Zane, Jay, y/n what sort of things are you afraid of? " Kai asked, you were about to answer but Zane started screaming. 

" Ah! I think I know what I'm afraid of! It's Morro! " Zane shouted. You didn't scream, but the guys sure did. 

" Of all the times to have to fight him again. " Cole shouted. 

" Ugh, and he already knows Airjitzu. We don't stand a chance! " Jay pointed out. 

" Wait a minute. If we're all afraid of Morro, this must be the next test. And how are we supposed to save Lloyd if we don't even have the courage to face him? " Kai had a point if we couldn't face Morro, we couldn't save Lloyd and you were not about to back down. 

" He's right. Let's get him! " Cole shouted and we all ran after him, but we had some trouble along the way. 

We followed him to the attic. We all stood at the end of the stairs. 

" Uh, attics. Definitely near the top of the list of things I'm afraid of. " Jay nervously said. 

' Seriously Jay. ' You thought. You didn't mean it in a bad way, but he had faced a lot of scarier things and attics creeped him out. 

We all went up and saw Morro just standing with his back turned to us. 

Kai urged Jay to face Morro, let's just say jay didn't like that. 

" We'll all face him, " you said.  you said and stepped forward and stretched out a hand. But before you could touch Morro he disappeared, which kind of startled all of you. You jumped back and saw Sensei Yang standing in front of you all. 

" As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student. You have passed the test. " Sensei Yang said, which surprised you. 

" Huh? Then you'll teach how to do Airjitzu? " Kai asked. Sensei Yang showed us the scroll. 

" Only those who see things through will reap the benefit of the reward. " Sensei Yang said. Cole grabbed the scroll and took a step back. 

" That's not the only thing we see-through. Why is it I can see through my hand!? " Jay panicked. As if on reflex you looked down at your own hands and saw they were almost see-through. 

" Now you will join my students. " Sensei yang laughed. 

" He's not just their mentor, he's their captor. " Cole stated. 

" No shit Sherlock! " you shouted. 

" The new dawn's upon us. Get out of here before the clock's last chime, if you can. " Sensei yang said. Right after he said that we all ran.  

We ran for our lives and luckily all of you got out in time, well... That's what you thought. You hadn't noticed that Cole had untied himself to get the scroll back. 

" Ah. My hand. I can see my hand! We made it! " Kai shouted in pure joy. 

" Ugh, but where's Cole? " Jay suddenly said. 

" Don't worry, I got the Scroll! Why are you all looking at me like that? " Cole asked as we all looked shocked at him. 

" You didn't make it out in time. " Jay said lowly.

" yeah, Cole, you're a...a... " Kai couldn't get himself to say the word. Cole looked at himself.

" I'm a...Ghost... " His voice sounded raspy. 

You just stood there completely frozen with wide eyes. 

' First Lloyd, now my best friend. ' you thought. Tears fought to make their way to your eyes, but you didn't let them. You walked over and began comforting Cole. 

Maybe Sensei Yang wasn't completely done with his test when it came to you. 

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