Chapter 13

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A/N: I hope everyone is doing great in their self-quarantine. I can certainly say I'm not bored yet and have plenty to do in my free time. I hope all you guys are doing all and are healthy. Remember to take care of yourself physically and mentally and remember to wash your hands well. 

" There. That should keep customers away. "Closed for renovations." " Zane said as he hung a sign for people to stay away from this place. 

" More like fortifications. If Morro and his ghouls show up here looking to steal the Sword Of Sanctuary, they won't know what hit them. " Kai put a bucket of water over the door, so whoever opened it would be drenched in water. 

Just then, Cole opens the door almost spilling the water on him, but luckily he dodged. 

" Careful, you know not all of us are immune to water. And I for one would like to stick around long enough for Misako and Sensei to figure out the last clue. " Cole angrily said and jumped over the creek you and Jay were covering with bamboo sticks. 

" We got Cyclon-do, we got the sword, now they just have to figure out where the Tomb Of The First Spinjutzu Master is. " Jay said referring to Misako and Sensei Wu. 

" Let's hope they figure it out soon. I don't know how long we'll be able to hold out. " Kai voiced his concerns. 

" We can only hope not for long. " You muttered to yourself. 

You were all working, then all of a sudden the bell we had set up began ringing. 

" Intruder! " Kai shouted and we all ran to our designated water balloon catapult. 

" Let him have it. Pull! " Jay shouted and we all began firing our catapult. Every water balloon landed on the sign and soaked the person underneath. 

Turns out, it was just the postman. 

" No wonder you're going out of business. " He sighs and gave Kai a letter and began walking away. 

" No, you're the one going out of business. Heh, who sends letters anymore? " Jay pointed out. 

" Guys, he's right. It says he's gonna shut us down unless we drum up some business. " Kai, who had read the letter told us. 

" Well, don't tell Ronin. If this place is worthless, he won't stick around and we need all the help we can get. Come on, we're gonna need more water balloons. " Cole said and we all went and filled up some new water balloons. 


Misako gathered us all in the shop.

" Thanks for gathering on short notice, " Misako told us. 

" Looking for something? " Kai asked as he saw Ronin looking around. 

" Ha, just making sure the tea blends are in alphabetical order. Yup, A to Z, heh. " Ronin said so casually the ninja did suspect anything. You, on the other hand, knew he was lying. You decided to keep your eye out for Ronin. 

" So you figured out where the tomb is? " Jay asked Misako. 

" Not yet, but we think we know how to locate it. " Misako told us. In the corner of your eye, you could see Ronin try to sneak out of the shop, but Sensei Wu opened the door before he could go anywhere. 

Okay, something was definitely not right. 

" Zane? " Misako asked zane. Zane Falcon projected the image of the skull on the wall and Sensei Wu shut off the lights. 

" To bring you up to date, the skull symbol refers to the tomb's entrance. " Misako informed us. 

" We also know my father's resting site, where the Realm Crystal resides, is protected by three deadly tests designed to keep anyone unworthy away, and only the Sword of Sanctuary can see past its riddles. " Sensei Wu continued. 

" Yeah, but where is it? " Cole asked the question we've all been wondering about. 

" We started to wonder if the scroll and sword combined held a secret. That's when Kai reminded us there was a map on the back of the scroll a- " Misako explained until she was cut off by Kai.

" And if you use the sword on the map, the blade's reflection will reveal the tomb's location. " Kai continued for her. 

" Exactly. " Misako said. 

" Which means we'll have to get our hands on that map. " Cole said already knowing what our next mission was. 

You noticed Ronin had left and knew exactly what his intentions were. 

" I know this is important, but I think we have someone else we need to take care of first. " You said and walked towards the door. 

" What do you mean? " Kai asked. and followed you with his eyes.

" Ronin is after the sword, he's planning on giving it to Morro for whatever reason. " You told them. 

" WHAT!? " They shouted and ran after me outside. 

As we got outside we heard Nya Scream and immediately saw Ronin with the sword. 

" Huh? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. " Ronin said. Kai and Jay ended activated the traps we had set up, causing a chain reaction. You rolled out of the way and just watched the ninja getting soaked and facepalmed.

" Haha! That was way too easy! " Ronin laughed. Ronin ran towards the shop and you followed him. 

Misako and Sensei Wu tried to stop him, but since he had the sword he could predict what they would do. 

You turned invisible and began fighting alongside Misako and Sensei Wu. You landed some good hits on him and he looked just as confused every single time. 

Ronin jumped into the cashier counter and cut the tea plants hanging from the roof. The dust from the plant got into your eyes which and momentarily blinded you, as well as Misako and Sensei Wu. 

Kai tried to stop Ronin from getting away by using Airjutzu but failed.  He landed on the roof and ended up getting stuck there. 

" He's getting away. To the Bounty! " and we all ran to the Bounty. 

" A little help here y/n! " Kai shouted. 

" Oh yeah, sorry, " you said and helped him down. 

We followed after Misako and Sensei Wu on their dragon as they chased after Ronin. 

We caught up to them as well, only to discover Ronin wasn't on board his ship. 

" He's not aboard the ship. " Misako said. 

" It's a trick! " Sensei wu said. 

" Then where did Ronin go? " Kai asked. 

" He used this as bait, he's probably still near the tea shop. Come on let's hurry back. " You said and you all turned back. 

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