Chapter 23

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You and Lloyd arrived at the reception, where some of your guests had already arrived. After everyone had arrived did the party begin. 

You all ate, drank, and talked with the guests. 

After everyone had eaten a little and had some to drink, it was time for speeches. 

Since Lloyd's best man was Kai, he was the first one to make a speech. 

" I have known Lloyd for a long time now, but if you told me when he first became one of us, that he would have a girlfriend, let alone a wife someday. I would have laughed in your face and told them "Never gonna happen." But to today for once I'm happy to say that I was sorely wrong, and I'm happy to see Lloyd have found his true love y/n l/n or should I say y/n Garmadon. " Kai said and everyone laughed. 

" y/n, Lloyd I wish you all the happiness in Ninjago. I know you two will stand together no matter where you are. To y/n and Lloyd Garmadon! " Kai shouted and rose his glass and everyone cheered. 

Now it was your father's turn to make a speech. 

" Ever since my little y7n was born, I knew she was special, in more than one way. As she grew up, she also grew more adventurous with every single day. Nothing could stop, not even me. When she started hanging out with Lloyd, I got nervous about what dangers she might get into. But she was never in any danger, as long as she had Lloyd with her I knew she was safe. " Your father said.

" One day I was just minding my own business when it suddenly the doorbell rang and my lovely wife answered it. When I got to the door, there was a young teenage girl at our door. At first, I didn't know who she was, but then she gave a look that only my y/n would give me, and I instantly knew it was her. Turns out that my y/n had discovered her powers. " he continued. 

" It was a hard decision to make but my wife and I decided to let her join the ninja to get the training she needed and off she went. She might not have visited us, but she made up for it letters she sent. We heard about all the adventures you and the ninja have been on. When we got a wedding invitation we were over the moon. I am happy for you both, and I hope Lloyd will continue to treat my y/n like the precious crystal she is. " Your father ended his speech and you were left with tears in your eyes. 

" To y/n and Lloyd Garmadon! " He shouted and rose his glass and everyone cheered again. 

" Thank you so much, " you said while crying a little bit as you hugged your dad. 

" Everything for my daughter. " Your dad said and hugged you back. 

" y/n you and Lloyd's first dance start in five minutes, do you want us to touch up your make-up? " Nya asked you. 

" That would be a good idea. " You said and you and Nya ran to the backroom and she touched up your make-up again. 

You exited the room and walked towards the big room again. 

" Ready for our first dance? " You heard someone ask. 

" Ah! Oh, it's just you Lloyd. " Screamed, but realized it was just Lloyd waiting for you. 

" Just me. My dear y/n, I am your husband now don't forget that. " Lloyd said and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. 

" Never in a million years. " You smiled and kissed him. 

" Ahem... " You heard someone cough behind you. You turned around and saw Nya standing there with her arms crossed. 

" First dance remember, " she said. 

" Oh, right. " You said and smiled awkwardly at her. 

" Well, get going! " She yelled. 

" Yes Ma'am! " both you and Lloyd said and walked to the dance floor. 

" Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Lloyd's and y/n's first dance! " You heard Jay say over the microphone. Everyone cheered and the music started. 

During the whole dance, you looked into Lloyd's eyes with all the love in the world. 

When the song ended you both bowed to the crowd and they cheered. 

You had your father and daughter dance.

And Lloyd and Misako had their mother and son dance. 

After that, it was time to throw the bouquet. 

" Okay, every single female in this party line up and try to catch the wedding bouquet. " Cole announced over the microphone. 

everyone lined up and you turned around and threw the bouquet over your head. You turned around and saw Nya had caught it. She looked at the bouquet with wide eyes and everyone around her cheered. 

" Better start looking for a ring Jay! " you shouted and everyone laughed as Jay and Nya started to get embarrassed. 

From then on, it was party time. 

Everyone danced, sang, and generally just having a great time.

You danced with almost everyone, but you danced mostly with Lloyd. (Of course.)

After hours you eventually got tired and you and Lloyd decided to retreat for the night. 

You thanked everyone for coming and to enjoy the rest of the night. 


You and Lloyd got into the car and the chauffeur started driving you back to the Bounty. 

You leaned your head on Lloyd's shoulder and held his hand gliding your finger over his wedding ring, really hoping this wasn't a dream. 

For the ride, you two didn't say anything to each other, just enjoying each other's company. 

You arrived at the Bounty and thanked and paid the chauffeur and got out. 

You walked to the Bounty swinging your arms back and forth. 

All of a sudden, Lloyd picked you up bridal style. You squealed and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

" What are you doing? " You laughed and played along. 

" Well, isn't it a tradition for the husband to carry his new wife into their home. " Lloyd Smiled and kissed you, you smiled and kissed him back. 

Lloyd used his Airjitzu and lifted you up onto the Bounty. You squealed as you two landed, but Lloyd didn't put you down yet. 

He continued to the bedroom and laid you down the bed. 

he stopped kissing you and looked down at you. 

" y/n Garmadon, my wife. I can get used to that~ " He smirked and laid on top of you. 

" Hehe, you better because you aren't getting rid of me that easily~ " You giggled and kissed him again. 

----------------AFTER THE WHOLE ORDEAL---------------------

If someone had told you would've gotten married long before meeting Lloyd, you would've laughed in their face and said "No way." 

But after getting married to Lloyd, you could never have been happier in your life than right now laying right beside him and him his arms wrapped around you. 

Never say never, because one day, maybe you will be doing something you would have seen yourself doing in a thousand years from now. 

Everything I can tell is to have an open mind. 

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