Chapter 16

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We were all sliding down this giant ice. It was hard to keep together because the slide always separated us even if we didn't want to. 

 When we thought the ride was finally over and we were all clinging to a giant icicle, but no. Since there was no grip on the icicle we all just fell and continued your fun/terrifying slide adventurer. 

The ride finally ended when we all lammed through a wall of Snow/ice. We all landed in a pile of snow in what looked to be like a cave of ice. 

" Is everyone okay? " Zane asked on getting up. 

" Outside? I'm fine. Inside? Not so much. " you said and held your head. We all made sure we were okay and then continued our journey. 

" What did we get ourselves into? " Kai asked. His guess was as good as yours, 'cause frankly, you had no idea. 

Jay climbed a mountain of snow to get a better look at where we were. 

" You see anything, Jay! " You shouted. 

" Oh, it's a maze! I'm great at mazes! " Jay shouted back. 

' Great... ' You thought. 

We continued on. All of a sudden you heard Kai gasp.

" Huh! Whoa! If my reflection means anything, I'm starting to think we won't be breaking out of this maze any time at all. " Kai said and touched his own reflection. 

" My reflection. Is I look older, but our attire is different. I don't believe these reflections reveal our inability to escape, but a mere glimpse of our future selves. " Zane explained. Now you were a little nervous to even look at your own reflection. 

" Misako said, "To move forward, don't look ahead." Is that what it means? Wait a minute, why is it I can't see my reflection? Where is my reflection? " Cole began to panic. 

" It's probably because you're a Ghost. " Kai tried to reassure Cole, but that didn't last long. 

" Ghosts cast reflections, Kai. He's probably just looking in the wrong place. " Zane tried to come up with an explanation. 

" I am looking at the same place you are. " Cole said frustrated. You finally got the courage to look at your own reflection. You stepped in front of the ice. 

You didn't look much older, sure you were a teenager know, and in your reflection, you looked like a young adult. 

Your arms were bare, so you could see all the scars you had along with your arms. Some you already had, but there were some new ones.

There was one that caught your eye. It wasn't too big or nasty looking but it did stand out. You looked at your own arm, but it wasn't there... Yet. You ran your hand over where the scar was going to be. 

Just then, an older looking Lloyd came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and looked lovingly at you like you were the reflection. You smiled and placed a hand over where his hands would have been. 

He then kissed you on the k cheek and a cold sensation gently caressed your cheek. But the word he whispered, you would never forget. 

' I'll see you soon enough. ' 

Both he and your reflection disappeared. 

Suddenly, you heard something break and shouting. You rushed over to the guys and saw Cole being knocked back by Morro. 

Morro began chasing Jay, he seems to have forgotten we were in a maze. 

" Aah! He's attacking an unarmed man! " You heard Jay scream. 

the beginning of change ( Lloyd x reader )Where stories live. Discover now