Chapter 2

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*Steve's POV*

He couldn't believe what had just happened, and Buck apparently couldn't either. Never had he been turned down by a girl. But she was different. He was pretty sure she had turned down Bucky because of what Bucky's dates did. He was very worried about    Y/N at the Stark expo and had tried calling after her and following her but he ended up engulfed by the crowd. He reluctantly went with Bucky to the club, but his spirits lifted instantly when he saw her.

Now he couldn't get her out of his mind. The way you hair wasn't full of hair products or put up into any hairdo and how she didn't wear makeup or tons of jewelry or even high heels and yet she still caught the eye of every around her. But he had to stop illuding himself. He, deep down, knew. The only reason she even talked to him was because she wanted to get near Bucky.

He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Yes, that was probably it. He was just a means of her getting near Bucky, and she probably rejected him to play hard-to-get and only danced with him to make Bucky jealous. It was a sad but not unexpected truth. Nonetheless he really wanted to see her again, although that seemed unlikely. All he had was her name and appearance and there would surely be more than one Y/N in Brooklyn. He was cut off his train of thought by Bucky telling them that they arrived home.

*Your POV*

I just arrived home to a very hurt looking Howard. I sighed. "Y/N! I was worried sick until Jarvis called telling us where you were! You promised you'd watch it, even though you always get a live show at home, you really didn't have to run out like that! When I saw you running I got so distracted I let go of the regulator and the car crashed into the ground and I had to-" he cut himself off when he saw the tears on your face. "I'm so sorry! I know it was wrong! I tried to stay but some girls kept shaming me for being the short abandoned trash that the Starks found and thought it would be funny to push me over" you say unbandaging your knee and revealing the bloody mess that the rough concrete had made. He looked dumbfounded. He simply hugged you and stayed there for some time, until he asked the maid to clean you knee and bandage it properly. You went to bed after a lot of fussing over you, but you were very tired and had to rest.

The next day you got up and got dressed to go to the gym. You were about to leave when someone cleared their throught. "Where do you think you are going?" You turned around and saw Howard, arms crossed in a motherly way. "I'm going to meet Peg at the gym" "No, you are not training and I don't want you wandering around until your knee gets better!" This annoyed you very much. "Brother, just because my knee is hurt it doesn't mean you can boss me around, and I know you think you know what is good for me and I know you are trying to protect me, but you know very well that I could beat those girls into a pulp with both my hands behind my back, but I simply chose not to, so I can take care of myself, so I'm going before I get late." Howard noticed that you seemed a little offended but still you regretted speaking to him that way. "Okay, but promise me you'll have breakfast with me at 9:30, so that I can catch you up?" you nodded "Of course! I love you brother." "Love you to sis" He opened the door for you and gave you a mock bow witch erned a small smile from you. You hugged him and left.

You ended up stopping to help an elderly man cross the street, so when you got there you were two minutes late. "You're late" Peggy said jokingly. You smiled at her, and set off to the punching bags. After a very long two hours Peggy left but let you stay a bit longer. You checked the time. It was 7:30 still. Good, you had two hours before you had to meet Howard for breakfast and thankfully nobody was there with you at the gym. You disliked being around a lot of people and usually kept to yourself when you had the choice.

"Bucky's POV"

I got up early and, after checking on Steve, I set off to the gym. There weren't many people that went to the gym this early, so I knew today I'd probably have the gym to myself. But when I got there there was already some one there, and to my surprise it was a girl. She didn't notice me, because she had her eyes shut. Her legs were securely wrapped around the punching bag and she was doing pullups.

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