Chapter 18

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"Okay, you guys are the Gardens of the Galaxy?" Tony asked.
"It's the GUARDIANS!" Quill said angrily.
"Hey, do you think you could let me go now?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, sure, why not." He let Peter go and he staggered a little.
"We're the Avengers," Tony said.
"The defenders of Earth," Peter added, very proudly.
"Pshh, really? Is that all you do? We're the protectors of the Galaxy."
"And you guys almost lost to us in a fight," I observed. He was silent.

"You're the one's Thor told us about," Mantis said.
"How do you know Thor?" I asked.
"Tall guy, not that good looking." Peter had an 'excuse you' look on his face.
"He needed saving," Peter said proudly.
"He was very intimidated by me, but I told him-"
"Thor? Intimidated? By you? Yeah right. That's a good one. That man has an ego so high, that a whole army of giant Thanos' wouldn't be able to intimidate him." I said, laughing at Quill's obvious lie.
"So we're going to fight Thanos, right?" Peter asked, very excited.
"Kid, I don't see how you can still be excited. Friendly reminder that this is going to be suicide." His smile immediately dropped and he stood more straight and started bouncing nervously from one foot to another.
"Okay, so let me get this straight. We're going to fight Thanos? With a bug lady, a guy that takes everything literally, a sticky teenager and... him?" I asked, indicating Quill. Tony and Strange sighed.
"It's not ideal, but it's all we got." I nodded.
"Let's do this then," I said, not at all enthusiastically.

Bucky's POV

I rushed to where I saw Bruce. "What happened? Do you know where they are?" I asked urgently. "They're gone. They got onto a spaceship and they're gone!" "We need to call Steve. And the rest." I nodded. Pepper soon followed and we set off for Wakanda.

____________________TIME SKIP____________________

We arrived and King T'Challa greeted us. We soon entered and were informed that Steve was said to be arriving soon. Sure enough, he landed and came out alongside Natasha, Wanda, and Vision. Steve still had his beard and Natasha was blonde, just like the last time I had seen them. Steve came over and pulled me into a hug. Pepper had obviously already told them about Y/N. Wanda looked uneasy. I still wasn't used to Vision in his human form.
"Guys, we have to move." Wanda finally said. I nodded and they headed to Shuri's lab. Vision lied down on a table and Shuri began examining the stone on his forehead. I heard her saying something about "reprogramming" or something like that, but didn't bother to pay attention since I knew I wouldn't get it anyways.

She started the program, but then something happened. "The dark order. They're here." I could only imagine that was nothing good.
"I need time," Shuri said. We immediately went down to the field to join the rest of Wakanda's army, which was being led by Okoye.

"Should I be worried about you guys?" I asked.
"When have you ever seen us lose a fight?" Nat said confidently. I laughed.
"I don't know about you, but I've seen Steve loose multiple fights back in Brooklyn. She laughed.
"Well, now he has two shields and a beard. So... I think he'll be okay." We had one last laugh before we saw multiple ships trying to enter Wakanda, but they all exploded when they touched what seemed to be a huge protective energy field that extended over the whole city of Wakanda.
"I love this place," I said happily.

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