Chapter 19

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It has been five years since half the universe was dusted. Tony and I were rescued from space. Tony now had a daughter, Morgan. But Peter, his son, was gone. Even though Tony pretended to be fine, for Pepper's benefit, I knew how desperate he was since Peter's death. A mark of that is that he hadn't been sarcastic since. I was living with Steve ever since Tony and I got back from space. We were both still mourning the death of half the universe plus our best friend. The Avengers have officially torn apart.

Natasha has been visiting every now and then, mainly for training with me. But we didn't talk much, as if our mutual silence showed that we understood each other's pain. Bruce had gotten stuck in the Hulks body, yet still was completely sane. Thor had gained a lot of weight and had was almost always drunk. 

We had been called to try to get Tony to help us. It had been the sixth time someone said they had an idea, so I didn't have too much hope. "Let's go," Steve said. I got up and went with him. We got into Nat's car and she drove us there.

I got out, not looking anyone straight in the eye like always. We rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. A few minutes later Tony opened it and came out onto the porch.

"What?" He asked. "We had an idea." Scott began. "Did anyone here watch back to the future?"
I looked at him.

"Wait, so you are telling me that your great idea to bring half the universe back is based on some stupid science fiction movie?" I asked angrily.
"Hey, do not judge until you have a better idea!" Scott said, offended.
"Not judging," I said, raising my hands in surrender.
"Why do you think I want to change the past? What if affects the future? I am happy for once." Tony said, but there was something in his eyes that said otherwise.

"Tony, we both watched Peter die. That kid's life was barely started, yet he was ready to risk it to save everyone. I know you would do anything to bring him back." I told him. I saw his eyes fill with tears. "Let's go," I told Steve, and Nat escorted me back to the car.

It was a silent ride back and I got into the apartment and sat down. Steve sat down beside me. After a very long and uncomfortable silence, Steve spoke. "I miss him too," Steve said. This had been the first time Steve had mentioned Bucky ever since the snap. I felt tears stinging my eyes. After everything we had gone through together, he was taken away with just one simple snap of someone's fingers. So I guess that had been the end of the line. Steve hugged me, and I hugged back.

I went to bed and continued my mundane routine. Wake up, eat, train, shower, and sleep. Until one day we got a call from Tony. We rushed down there. Today I had hope, even though I knew it could be cruelly snuffed out at any moment. I barely paid any attention as Tony and Bruce explained time travel. I only started paying attention when I suddenly saw a baby sitting in front of me.

"What is this?" I said, freaking out.
"It's a baby," Nat told me.
"It's Scott!" Bruce announced.
"Are you kidding me? We aren't going to defeat Thanos with an army of babies!" I said exasperatedly.
"What if we just went back in time and went to baby Thanos and..." Rhody said, making a choking motion.
"You would kill a baby?" Bruce asked.
"It's not a baby! It's Thanos!" I said.

Bruce brought back Scott and he stood up. "Aha! Who said that movie was stupid?" Scott said to me triumphantly.
"Shut up, because I am very stressed right now, so my tolerance has gotten very close to zero." I hissed at him.

They continued talking until something was finally decided. We were going to go back in time to get the infinity stones before Thanos did. I really wished that it would be as simple as it sounded. We divided into groups. I was going to be with Nebula, who I had met recently and who was a robot-ish person, and with Rhodey.
"See you all in a minute!" Natasha said, smiling. I nodded and smiled back. Soon I was in a Vortex of spinning colours and figures.

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