Chapter 15

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"Hey! You okay? Wake up!" Rocket was poking my side. I was panting and dripping with sweat. I felt the tears on my cheeks. Just a nightmare. Just a nightmare, nothing more than that. It's not real! "You okay kid?" Quill said. "Y-yeah." I tried to sound confident, but, the fact that I was drenched in cold sweat and my eyes were red and puffy didn't help. I heard the music in the background. Huh. So they had music in space.

 "I am older than you, you know. I should be the one calling you kid." I said trying to lighten the mood. "I'm flattered and all, but yeah sure! You're like what? Eighteen? Nineteen?" I shook my head. "I don't even know. I don't remember my birthday." I was startled by a very loud laugh from beside me. It was Rocket. 

"If you are so forgetful that you can't even remember your birthday you must be very old. You do still remember your name don't you." "Do you have a name? Or did your parents not name you? Did you have parents?" The huge guy asked. "Drax!" Gamora scolded. I smiled sadly at him. "Yes I do remember my name. I'm Y/N. But for about 70 years I forgot my name and thought I didn't have one. My adoptive parents are dead and I never knew my real parents."

 "But how were you doing it?" I looked at Drax, confused.  "How were you flying around in blue misty stuff? And when you started screaming you were shaking the whole ship." Rocket asked. "Oh. That. It's nothing to be worried about." "What was it?" Insect lady persisted in her slow dreamy voice. "Look, Bug-woman, I don't think it's important right now." "Her name is Mantis." Quill said. "And since you're on our ship I think we deserve to know what you are!" "I am human." Quill scoffed. "Yeah? I'm half human, but you don't see me floating around while I sleep!" "I don't want to talk about it!" I said a little more aggressively. "Just tell me what you are!" "I ALREADY TOLD YOU! I AM HUMAN!" I shouted. 

"Stop insisting!" I said angrily. "Okay, listen here girl. You just come here and we kindly take you in, but you are too weak! If a nightmare can set you off like a bomb imagine real danger. Stop being such a prissy! Stop acting like we don't understand you because we've all been through way more than you could ever imagine!" I was so angry I could have knocked his teeth out.

 "More pain than I could ever imagine? Yeah? What happened? Is your immense pain and suffering because a parent died? Or because you lost your home? Or maybe because you couldn't find the right shirt to wear today? If anyone knows my pain I'm ready to bet it's Rocket, because I bet you have had it good your entire life, seeing that you're arrogant enough to assume that you couldn't have it worse." Quill came right up to me. "My mom died of cancer and I was kidnapped by aliens and when I finally met my dad I had to kill him because he was evil and he killed my mom, so yeah. I've been through a lot."

 "Yeah? Well I was abandoned and I was adopted. I was happy and had friends, but one day, one of the four people for whom I cared about more than anything fell off a train and I thought he was dead. The second one of these four people I sacrificed myself for, and was taken to where I was turned into a monster. I was tortured and experimented on and they wiped my memories. I was ordered to kill the third person out of the four, who happened to be my brother and I lost the forth person due to age. Not just that. I just ruined my nephew's wedding because I almost killed everyone. I was about to die but my friend saved me and now I'm here. When I finally got a family again." Rocket patted my leg. "She won Quill." Drax said simply. 

I got up and starred out the window. I missed them. My family. The Avengers. A single tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it away quickly. I saw the blue mist around me. I closed my eyes. No. I was not going to lose my chill now. "How's your wound?" I turned towards Gamora. "Oh, I'm fine now." I said. "You heal very fast!" I smiled. "So, what do you guys do around here?" She smiled. "We're going on a mission. Do you know how to fight?" I nodded. "Feel like coming?" I nodded again. She reminded my a little bit of Nat. "I'm gonna need some new clothes though." I said, motioning towards my bloody dress. "What weapons are you good with?" I thought for a moment. "Do you have any knives? And pistols?" "Nope, but we have this." Rocket said handing me a huge dangerous looking gun. "Wow! That's awesome! How does it work?" In about 20 minutes, I knew the basic controls. Gamora handed me some combat gear, that looked a lot like Nat's, and two knives to put in my belt.

 Gamora handed me some combat gear, that looked a lot like Nat's, and two knives to put in my belt

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 I took a shower and cleaned my wound, washing the dry blood away. It would be like missions with the Avengers, except it wouldn't be them... I felt my eyes stinging slightly. I put on my suit and put the knives in my belt. I walked out of the bathroom and saw everyone waiting for me.  I went beside Gamora and Mantis. "Look, um, I'm sorry." Quill mumbled. "Don't worry about it." I said. 

I was feeling a little apprehensive, because I had never fought any space-things, but I figured it would be like fighting tech-y stuff, witch also was weird. "Let's do this!" Quill said.  Off we went.  We arrived at the planet and I got out feeling slightly ship-sick. I quickly held my gun a little more closely. The ship's doors started to open and we started to get out. This planet was filled with trash. Literally. This planet looked deserted, and I relaxed very slightly. We formed a circle and looked around. Suddenly a bunch of  masked people circled us. Ugh. We quickly took them out. Very easy. Suddenly another ship landed and a woman walked out. "Stand down!" She said walking down. She looked very very drunk. Suddenly, she got some huge weapons and started to shoot.

 Suddenly, she got some huge weapons and started to shoot

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I suddenly used my magic to create a shield. I didn't mean to. It was just an instinct. 

*Peter Quill's POV*

I watched as Y/N made a shield with her magic stuff. So, she wasn't just human. "Run!" She shouted. Suddenly, I saw one of the masked men had survived, and he was aiming for Mantis. I ran towards her but it would be too late. Y/N had seen it too and quickly let down her magic shield to shoot at the attacker. She did, but got shot in the process. We just kept on running. There was nothing we could do. Nothing.

*Your POV*

I woke up with a huge migraine. My neck felt on fire. I looked touched my neck and felt a small device. Great. I looked around and noticed I was handcuffed to a chair. I blinked a little more to gain focus, and was met by a voice. "So, you brought a girl to be a champion?" I was still too confused to say anything, but the woman who had attacked us spoke. "She has some kind of magic skill-thing."

 I was never going home. I was going to stay here forever. Even if I had a ship, I don't know how to get to earth from space. I was never going to see the Avengers again. I was never going to see Steve and Bucky, ever again. Silent tears came down my face. "She's already crying. Jeez, just take her away." 

Suddenly my chair started moving. I could do this. Some huge doors opened and my chair moved through. My eyes were still a little fuzzy from the headache, so I hadn't noticed there were a bunch of people around me. I saw two people arguing ahead. "Brother, help me get out of here!" The one in the chair said. "Wait, I have to-" He stopped talking when he caught sight of me and immediately came towards me. "Y/N?" I finally saw who it was. 


Word count: 1442   

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