Chapter 6

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~○●°•~○●°•70 years later~○●°•~○●°•

*Steve's POV*

I woke up. I was on a bed. There was a voice coming out of a radio and someone came in. I ran out and into the streets. Everything was crazy.

Someone called Nick Fury, the director of S

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Someone called Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, told me how they had found me in the frozen lake, and thanks to the serum, I was still alive. Then it all came back. Bucky, falling from the train, Y/N on the plane, HYDRA, and the plane crash. I got in a gym and started pounding the punching bag as the memories came flooding back. I ended up hitting the punching bag so hard I ripped it off the chain and across the middle, making the sand spill out on the floor.

 I ended up hitting the punching bag so hard I ripped it off the chain and across the middle, making the sand spill out on the floor

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*Pietro's POV* (You didn't see that coming?)

I was with my twin sister Wanda in the Hydra base in Sokovia. We had just finished being experimented on and we had been the only two that have survived. Me and Wanda were experimenting our powers. Maybe was superspeed and Wanda's was telekenisis, mind manipulation and mind reading. Our rooms were small. A lot smaller than the Winter Soldier's room.

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I wished I had been put in the same room as Wanda

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I wished I had been put in the same room as Wanda. I was one wall away from her, but it would be nice if I could see her. I snuck out of my room and I was about to knock on Wanda's door when a hand held my wrist.

It was the Asset, as we refered to her. I didn't know her name and she didn't either. She had gotten out of cyro-freeze a day ago and she had been wiped again as a precaution and had had the trigger words said to her. The same thing had happened to the Winter Soldier. As he was HYDRA's favourite, he got a big room and was allowed to visit the Asset whenever he wanted to.  I was sure they had known each other before HYDRA, because they were always together and they both had been rumoured to have been there for 70 years. My thoughts were interrupted by the Asset speaking in  barely a whisper.

"If you knock they will hear you. I see your super power isn't anything brain related." With that she took out a big piece of wire and picked the lock with so much facility, it looked like the was a key. "Why are you creeping around in the middle of the night? Are you following me?" I asked smirking. "You wish speedy." She said, removing her hair from her (e/c) eyes. "I'm going to visit a friend" she said simply "If by friends you mean the Winter Soldier, let me tell you. The guy has no emotions. If you walk past him you'd think he was a manikin. And you're allowed to visit each other whenever you want. Why sneak in in the middle of the night?" She smiled as if amused by my naiveness. "I want to speak to him without HYDRA listening in and deciding to wipe us again because we're becoming too human." "The Winter Soldier is still a machine, believe me." "Around you he is." I ignored her and was about to enter Wanda's room when I felt the cold blade of a knife against my throat. "Breathe a word of this to anyone and it won't matter if they wipe me a million times, I will still remember who you are. And I will find you and I will kill you." She took away the blade and set off.

*Your POV*

I ran to Winter's room and picked the lock. I knew Winter Soldier was not his real name, but we had been wiped, so we didn't remember almost anything before yesterday. Once I was inside I went over to him. "I had another dream." I said. I saw his face was expressionless, so I hugged him. He was being haunted by nightmares, the way I was. Almost every night I dream about that dark alleyway and the people that couldn't hear me. They looked so familiar, but it didn't seem to ring any bells.

He hugged me back and I felt his metal arm wrapped securely around me. We stayed like that for a while until he spoke. "They keep coming back. The people I've killed. My memories are coming back." "Mine too, but a few of  them aren't about the people I've killed. I remembered how I got here and I remember you falling from the train." I hugged him tighter and I saw he was smiling weakly as I was running my fingers though his hair. I was about to leave when his metal hand closed around my wrist. "Please stay a bit more" he said pleadingly. I sat down beside him and he pit his real arm around me. I stroked his metal arm. I knew he didn't feel it, but he liked it because it showed that I wasn't afraid of it. I rested my head on his shoulders and he kissed the top of my head. We sat in silence, until I said I had to leave.

I went back down the corridor and bumped into something that was speeding towards me. "We meet again speedy." "You took your time in there..." he observed. "Who's following who now?" I asked smirking pointedly. "Oh, whatever. I was just curious." He said. "Well, I thought I told you to mind your own business." "He seemed to really care about you. Why?" "You were spying on us?" I said indignantly. "Well, Wanda was sleeping and I didn't have anything to do, so... anyway, why do you talk to him? And you said that you remembered how you got here. Do you feel like sharing?" "Listen, you may think that you know me but you don't. You think you had it hard? Well think again, because while you came skipping in here, by your own free will, Winter and I were dogged here. Do you really want to know how I got here? I was handcuffed to the seat of a HYDRA plane. I could have easily picked to lock. I could have saved myself and lived a half decent life, but no. There was someone I really cared about there, on the plane with me, and there was only one parachute. I sacrificed myself for him and he died in a plane crash one day later. And this was a few weeks after I had lost my closest friend because he sacrificed himself for me. That friend was who we now know as the Winter Soldier. That was how he lost his arm. Falling from a train. I thought he was dead and blamed myself for it. And when you're wiped only the memories go away, but the pain is still there. While you get here and get experimented on once, I was their lab rat. I got experimented on so many times, that sometimes, I lose control of my power, hurting everyone around me and sometimes including myself, and the only person who can calm me down is the Winter Soldier. Why do you think he's aloud to visit me? And as if all that weren't enough I was constantly tortured for information that I didn't have, because they thought I knew how to make the serum again. Not to mention the nightmares I have every night of the people I've killed and of dark alleyways. Soyou know what? No I don't think I should continue sharing with you because you could never even hope to understand what it was like for me. But Winter does." And with that I turned around and left, leaving him dumbfounded.

Word count: 1292

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