Chapter 14

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*Steve's POV*


"готов соблюдать (Ready to comply)" 

They said it. The words. Bucky looked at me. We knew it. We had no choice but to fight her. Tony quickly got Pepper in a suit and activated his own.

 I used my shield to block a blast from Tony that Y/N deflected. She walked purposefully towards the HYDRA agent, deflecting blasts and . It took a while for me to know what she was doing, but then I noticed. She was healing him. "NO!" I heard Bucky scream. Too late. 

The wound seemed to be catching fire. The HYDRA agent screamed, but the wound was no longer there. There was only a red scar. He didn't hesitate for one moment. "Конец их и произнеси слова (End them and say the words.)" I stared, confused.  Suddenly the "healed" wound started to glow red again. "Hail HYDRA." He said. 

I hadn't understood what he had said earlier, because I didn't speak Russian. But Bucky obviously did, because he starred at Y/N and ran. She quickly followed suit. I ran after them. Bucky grabbed a motorcycle in Tony's garage and sped off. I got into a car and Nat followed suit. Wanda, Vision, Tony, Rhody and Sam flew after Y/N who also could fly. Flying was an advantage, and I didn't have that advantage. I pressed the accelerator, annoyed. 

Nat stuck her pistols out the window out the window and started to shoot at Y/N. I saw Shuri join the fight as Y/N knocked Wanda out of the air. Pietro ran to her aid, and so did Vision. Vision tried to shoot her hand before she wouldn't kill Sam. Y/N was quickly deflecting all the attacks. Vision's attack was deflected by Y/N and it hit my shield. And it hit Rhody.  Rhody's suit was down.

I saw Tony fly quickly after him, attaching a parachute to his back

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I saw Tony fly quickly after him, attaching a parachute to his back. Y/N had the advantage that she didn't care if we got hurt. We didn't want her to get hurt or die, and she knew that. But she was ordered to kill us. If we got killed it was only a bonus. I saw Nat aim for her. "Nat, don't kill her!" Nat ignored my comment. We were winning. Suddenly I remembered something.

 "Buck, I need a lift!" I shouted. He immediately turned the motorbike around. I stopped the car. "Catch. I need leverage!" I threw him my shield and he caught it. He lowered it and I jumped on and he pushed up (Authors Note: Like Nat in Avengers 1). I reached Y/N's arm and held on. She started to fly around, wildly attempting to through me off. 

"Y/N stop! This isn't you! Please listen. I'm your friend. Your best friend. We went to war together. We're all your family." "I don't have a family. Let go and I might let you die last." She said coldly. "I won't let go. Cause I'm with you till the end of the line!"  It was working. I saw the realization in her eyes. "No. You're all my mission. You don't know me. My name is Asset. And I don't know you." "Then let go." She suddenly realized she was the one holding me.

 I knew what I had to do to wake her up and I knew Wanda was watching. I jerked my wrist out of her grasp and fell. Her eyes widened. "Steve, no!" She quickly flew after me. 

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