Chapter 13- Is this really the answer?

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"I love you Nathalie, please don't leave me." Gabriel spoke softly as he he held her hand close to his face, crying from his heartbreak. Nathalie was safe now thankfully, but it still wasn't the end of the road. Darren my come back for Nathalie, so he wasn't going to let his guard down until he was gone. However thought, he started drifting off to sleep, sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, holding Nathalie's hand. ~ A few hours later Gabriel woke up from his nap with a yawn. He immediately got to his knees and looked over at Nathalie. "Nathalie, please..." He gently shook her, but there was no response. He sighed and said, "Nathalie, wake up!" Still no response from Nathalie. He kept trying, over and over again to walk her up, but it was no use. Little did he know, now that Nathalie was under complete control by Darren, only he could wake her up, or have her do anything for that matter. He started to break down crying. Tikki flew over and said, "Don't worry Master, I'm sure everything will be ok." She started comforting Gabriel in hopes of calming him down. He started drying up his tears, "I know Tikki, but I'm just scared." Tikki replied, "As am I Master, but we can get through this! Together, we can save her!" Gabriel sighed and let go of Nathalie's hand, standing up and beginning to pace around the room. "I need to save her, but how?" He started panicking, and you could tell by the tone of his voice. "I need you to stay alive Nathalie, please." He said aloud to no one in particular. ~ Darren woke up and said, "W-what? My queen? Where are you?" He stood up and looked around, but Nathalie was no where in sight. He growled and said, "Nathalie! I demand you come before me at once!" When no one came he huffed and said, "Where is she?!" He started searching around, looking for her. After a while of searching he stopped and said, "Maybe I can try telepathic control?" He closed his eyes, focusing extremely hard and he said, "Awaken." ~ Nathalie jolted awake at the command, the telepathically working. Gabriel rushed over, "Nathalie?! Nathalie??!!!" Nathalie didn't respond. Darren have her another command, "Punch someone." Nathalie turned towards Gabriel and punched him in the face, her expression emotionless. Gabriel muttered, "What the hell..." He turned and saw Nathalie that had just punched him. He quickly stood up and ran across the room, opening the emergency medical kit. He grabbed a needle which read, 'Sedative.' He took it back across the room and said, "Forgive me, my love." He injected the medicine into her system. After he injected her, he threw the needle aside and pushed her down gently, laying her down in the bed. "Shhh, calm down." He spoke gently to her. Nathalie started to feel drowsy and calm suddenly. Her muscles started to relax slightly before she started hyperventilating. Gabriel quickly thought of an idea. He ran over to his phone and played some calming music, just like Darren did when he needed Nathalie calm. The music started to calm Nathalie down and her tensions started to let go, and her body was calming down, allowing the sedation to start taking effect. ~ Darren started to lose his telepathically control on Nathalie when she was sedated.~ Nathalie started taking deep breaths, falling into a deep sleep. After about 30 minutes she was passed out, fast asleep, the sedation taking full effect. Gabriel sighed, "I'm so sorry I had to do this, but it was the only way." He laid in bed next to her and held her hand. He looked over at a clock and it read. '9:36 PM' He got out of bed and put his pajamas on before quickly rejoining Nathalie in the bed. He grabbed her hand once more and laid down beside her. "I'm not leaving your side until your have to your normal self Nathalie, and that's a promise." The calming music playing helped him ease his nerves, and he also fell asleep, laying next to his Nathalie, holding her hand. ~ He woke up the next morning holding Nathalie is his arms. He smiled slightly and asked, "Nathalie?" There was no response. He sighed and gently removed his arms from her and got out of bed, getting ready for the day. He picked out a pair of black pants and a purple shirt, and he quickly got dressed before he went back to Nathalie. He tried shaking her, no response once more. He huffed and said, "Tikki, can you go get me some coffee?" The red kwami responded, "Of course Master." She flew out of the room to go get Gabriel some coffee. Gabriel sighed, "I don't know how to save you, I really don't. But that doesn't mean I will give up." He said with determination. "I just need to figure out what exactly he did to change you, that way I can change you back." He thought about it before it suddenly came to him. "No, no I can't do that! I can't and I won't! But then again, what other choice do I have?" He sat down, trying to think of a better solution. "Think Gabriel think! I'm there has to be a better way!" He searched for the next hour, looking for ways he could stop this, but it all lead back to one answer. He finally gave in, "Im at least gonna do it the humane way." He huffed and started getting everything that he needed ready. First, he recorded her voice saying certain things. Second, he found the video that he needed. Third, he grabbed the medicines to give her. He then walked over to Nathalie, and picked her up. He took her to an empty storage closet with a single projector and screen. He sat her down in a chair placed headphones around her ears. One side played the recordings, the other played the music. He set up the projector and started the image on the screen, getting everything ready. But there was one more thing he needed to do first. He needed to successfully wake her, and then give her the medicine. He walked over to her and shook her, but there was no response. ~ Darren tried to regain his control over Nathalie again. He concentrated with his eyes closed, "Awaken!" ~ Nathalie woke up on Darrens command. Gabriel smirked and gave her the medicines, two through pills and once through injection. Once Nathalie had the medicines taken he turned on the spiral and started the audio. Nathalie was calm due to the medicine, so she started to fall into the hypnosis once more. "Nathalie, stare at the center." Nathalie obeyed Gabriel and looked into the center, falling into the hypnotic trance. The calming music in her right ear helped her ease into that state. Once she was in the hypnotic state Gabriel started to play the recordings of him saying things like, "Go back to the way your mind was days ago, Rewind the clock and become yourself again, Undo the trance you were in by joining this one, obey my every order while in this state..." The recording played over and over. Gabriel walked up to her and said, "Let my words take over your mind, let your brain reset to how it was before. But once you return, you will love me."

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