Chapter 20- 'Will you' 'Shut up'

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As Debugnair carried Nathalie back the hospital, he explained all of what had just happened, not sparing any details. But something couldn't leave his mind, who is Azure and why did he help him? ~ Nathalie stayed silent the entire way, listening to everything Debugnair was saying. Had she really over reacted that much? Had she really said that Gabriel was a traitor? Did she really threaten to get rid of him? She started tearing up, "I'm so sorry Gabriel." Debugnair looked down at her and said, "No, no, no, don't blame yourself. You did nothing wrong." He gently wiped her tears away and began to stroke her hair with a gentle touch, "Shh, it's ok kitty." He said softly. Nathalie leaned in on his touch, "Everything's ok now that you're here. I'm so sorry for what I did, I should have overreacted-" Debugnair interrupted her, "Hey, it's ok. Tell you what, as soon as we get all settled in we can call Adrien." Nathalie's face lit up. She hasn't seen Adrien or talked to him much since he went off to boarding school, and she's missed him dearly. She actually thinks of him as her own child, and would do anything to be able to see him again. "Oh, yes please!" She smiled and Debugnair smiled back, "Alright then, we have a plan." ~ After a few minutes of fluff and happiness between the two, they finally reached the hospital, "Well, we're here." Debugnair sighed as he opened the window, jumping in and setting Nathalie down carefully on the bed, "I have to go and get our stuff, I'll be back soon." He was about to leave before Nathalie said, "Gabriel, wait. Come here." Debugnair nodded and walked over to her, kneeling down beside her, "Yes?" Nathalie smiled, "Thank you." She pulled him in, giving him a gentle yet firm kiss on his lips. Debugnair kissed her back gently before pulling out, "Of course." He smiled before he jumped out the window, heading back to the mansion. As he jumped across roofs, he noticed to figures down below. One had a dark purple top with a light purple tutu. They had glitter all over to tutu, along with glitter all over the two purple butterfly wings attached to their back. They had a sparkly, gray butterfly mask around their face. Their hair was dark blue with purple on the edges, and was pulled into two pigtails. Finally, they had a black cane with a purple dome to through together the look. "What do you mean we're not partners anymore! The entire reason I'm doing this is for you!" The other person, which he realized was Azure, said, "Well I cant be a villain anymore! I'm tired of hurting the people I love! And you should stop too!" The other person growled, "No! I will not stop until I get the miraculous! You need them to bring her back!" Azure sighed, "Monarch, please. I can't tell you why I'm quitting, but I am quitting. Good luck with your quest." He jumped away, leaving Monarch stranded by herself. ~ Debugnair watched the entire conversation and when he saw Azure leaving, he ran over to him, "Wait! Azure! I have to ask you something!" Azure sighed and stopped in his tracks, "What can I help you with?" "I was just wanting to know, why did you help me earlier?" Azure smiled, "Because it was the right thing to do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to do something I should've done months ago." Debugnair nodded and let him leave. Within a few minutes he reached the mansion. He hid behind his wall and said, "Spots off." He detransformed and walked to the car, getting in. He sighed, "So that girl I saw must be Monarch, she's the villain I need to go after." Tikki sat on his shoulder, eating a macaroon, "I think you can do it! You and Ms. Nathalie can do anything together!" She smiled cheerfully. Gabriel smiled as well, "Thank you Tikki." He started the car, making his way back to the hospital. ~ After about 15 minutes, Gabriel had parked the car and was on his way up to Nathalie's room with their stuff. He knocked on the door, "Hey kitty." Nathalie sighed and said, "Come in." Gabriel smiled as he walked into the room. "How are you doing?" He asked as he sat the bags down on a chair. Nathalie sighed, "I'm fine, do you have my ring?" He nodded, "Yes, of course." He smirked as he walked over to her, getting down on one knee, "Nathalie Sancouer, will-" Nathalie gave him the death stare, "Shut the hell up." Gabriel sighed, "But I didn't get to finish." Nathalie shot him dagger eyes. He sighed as he said, "Here, take it." He handed her the ring and she slipped it on. Plagg flew out, "Did you just try to propose to her with my miraculous?" Gabriel snickered, "Maybe." Plagg and Nathalie both sighed. Plagg mumbled to Nathalie, "Why?" Nathalie shrugged, "He's just mad." Gabriel scoffed, "I may be madly in love, but I'm not mad." Nathalie rolled her eyes, "Whatever." Gabriel looked at the clock which '7:21pm'. "It's still early, but we had a long day, we should get some rest." Nathalie nodded, "But can we call Adrien first?" Gabriel gasped, he had nearly forgotten, "Oh, yes of course." He pulled out his phone and handed it to her, "Here." She smiled as she took the phone, pressing Adriens number, starting the call. ~ "Dussu, fall my feathers." Azure said as he detransformed back into his normal self. "I should probably talk to them Dussu. They deserve to know that I'm not actually at boarding school, that I was being a villain and living with my friend behind their backs." Dussu flew over to him, "That probably would be the smart thing to do." He nodded and said, "I'll call them." He picked up his phone and was about to call when suddenly he got a phone call, "Looks like they called me first." He chuckled. He answered the video call, "Hey Nathalie." ~ Nathalie smiled, "Hey Adrien, how is school going?" Adrien sighed, "It's going well. I've missed you." Nathalie smiled, "I've missed you too." Adrien added, "Is Father there?" Nathalie nodded and handed Gabriel the phone, "Hello Adrien." "Hello Father, how are things going?" Gabriel sighed, "Things are going fine." "That's good." "Yeah." Gabriel said, "How are your grades doing?" Adrien sighed, "Actually, I need to tell you something. I'm not at the school." Gabriel gasped, "What do you mean you're not at the school?!" Adrien sighed, "I can't tell you anything more, I'm sorry." He hung up the phone, leaving a speechless Gabriel on the other end. Gabriel growled and plopped onto the couch, "What does he mean he's not at school?! What else could be possible be doing?!" Nathalie sighed, "I'm not sure Gabriel, but we'll figure it out." Gabriel sighed and said, "I just can't believe he would do this." "Gabriel, come here." Nathalie said as she scooted over, patting the spot next to her. Gabriel sighed and stood up, walking over and sitting down besides Nathalie. "I'm sure he has a good explanation for all of this. Let's just give him time before we call him back." Gabriel sighed, "Alright, if you say so." Nathalie leaned on his chest, "I do say so." She smirked. Gabriel looked down at her and started stroking her hair, causing Nathalie to purr without knowing it. Gabriel decided not to point it out and enjoyed every second of it. As Nathalie started to fall a sleep, she started to purr louder as Gabriel kept stroking her hair. Gabriel smiled, "This is now my new favorite sound."

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