Chapter 18- Loner

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Hour passed, and Nathalie had yet to wake up. She was in a deep sleep because of the meds, and no one knew when she would wake up. Gabriel was speaking to the doctors, "Is there anyway I could take her home now?" The doctors sighed, "I'm sorry Mr. Agreste, but she can't leave until she's been awake for at least an hour." He mumbled some curse words under his breath then sighed, "So there's no way?" The doctor shook his head, "Sorry, but she can't leave yet." Gabriel sighed, "Will I be allowed to stay the night with her?" The doctor nodded, "Yes of course, we'll just have to move you two to a different room, but it'll be extra charge." Gabriel snickered in his mind, being one of the richest people in Paris he didn't need to worry about extra money. "Very well then." The doctor nodded and said, "If you would please wait in the waiting room while we switch rooms." Gabriel nodded, "Of course." He kissed Nathalie's forehead before walking out of the room and headed to the waiting room. He stopped in his tracks and said, "I'm going to run home and grab a couple items, is that alright?" The doctor nodded, "Of course, go ahead sir." Gabriel nodded as well and changed his path, heading towards the hospital exit. He walked at a brisk pace as he made his way through the hospital, eager to hurry so he could get back to his kitten. As soon as he reached the parking lot he realized, he didn't drive here. He sighed as he hid in an alleyway and said, "Tikki spots on!" He transformed and used his yo-yo to swing away, heading back home to the mansion. ~ A dark window opened and filled a room with light, allowing the person inside to see the butterflies flying around her. "It's time we strike again my pretty butterflies. Let's find out next victim and evilise them!" An evil but sweet laugh filled the room. A butterfly was captured in her hands, transmitting it dark energy, turning it into an akuma, "Fly away my beautiful akuma, and evilise them!" The same laugh filled the room again. The akuma flew throughout Paris, looking for its next victim. ~ Debugnair jumped into his window and said, "Spots off." He detransformed back into his normal self before he started grabbing things, putting them in a backpack. He grabbed a change of clothes, a pair of pajama pants, his toiletries, and extra food for Tikki. He then ran across the hall, heading to Nathalie's room to grab a few things for her. He grabbed her a change of clothes, pajamas, her hairbrush and her other toiletries. He also grabbed some Camembert for Plagg. After everything was all packed up he sighed, "Do we have everything for the night Tikki?" She nodded, "I think so Master!" He nodded back and said, "I better drive there that way she has a way to get back home." Tikki nodded in response and helped Gabriel carry stuff out to the car. Once they were all packed up, Gabriel was about to get in when he noticed something flying in the air. He paid no attention to it until he noticed how purple it was. "An akuma! Tikki spots on!" ~ Nathalie was transferred to a bigger, more private hospital room. It had a sofa sleeper along with a recliner chair. It has two side tables and a private bathroom. After we was all set up, the doctored left the room and let her be. A while later Nathalie woke up, finding herself alone in the hospital room. "Gabriel?" She mumbled, "Gabriel? Where are you?" When no one answered, she started to tear up. "He said he wouldn't leave me, but yet I'm finding myself all alone." ~ The akuma sensed these emotions and made its way to the hospital. Before Debugnair could catch it the akuma had made it inside Nathalie's room, landing in her bracelet, "Loner, I am Monarch. I'm giving you the power to isolate anyone, or to let them join you and be your loyal friends. In return, you will bring me Debugnair and Chatalies miraculous!" Nathalie tried to fight it off, but she couldn't. "Yes Monarch." She accepted and transformed into Loner. She looked like as if she had a wolf miraculous, she had a gray dress with moon designs, Wolf ears, and a wolf tail. She laughed evilly as she jumped out a window, heading out to start her quest. ~ Debugnair was running across roofs, searching for the akuma. "Now if I were an akuma, where would I be." Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone running towards him. As the further approached, he started to realize who it was, "N-Nathalie?!" Loner jumped and landed in front of him. She pointed her ray gun at him and said, "Nathalie is gone, I am Loner now! Give me your miraculous or else you will be all alone!" Debugnair swung his yo-yo and a shield to protect himself. He started scanning Loner, looking for the akumatized object. He noticed a bracelet and mumbled, "That's where the akuma is." He then noticed that she didn't have her ring on. He started panicking before he realized, he had it with him. He said, "Snap out of it Nathalie!" Loner launched at him, starting a fight.

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