Chapter 22- The ring...

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"I do say so, I'm fine." Nathalie mumbled as she looked up at Gabriel. He sighed once more, "Do you need me to get the doctor?" She shook her head, "No, I'll be ok. I'm just tired." She yawned, "I'm gonna take a nap." Gabriel huffed, "But you just woke up! And I wanted to spend some time with you..." Before Nathalie could answer, she was already fast asleep. Gabriel sighed, "What is going on?" He walked over and pressed the doctor call button and waited patiently for the doctors to arrive. ~ About 5 minutes later, a doctor came into the room. "How can I help you Mr. Agreste?" Gabriel sighed, "I'm not sure, she started getting sick and then she just, fell asleep." The doctor walked over to Nathalie and checked her vitals. Gabriel stayed silent, waiting patiently for the doctor go finish. He didn't know what he would do if Nathalie was so sick. She wasn't going back to work until she was healed, that's for sure. But what if this..illness that she has won't go away? What if she never gets better? He sighed and kept waiting, trying to get rid of the thoughts. The doctor said, "Her vitals are fine. Her blood pressures a little low, but it's just from the medicine. She'll be fine." Gabriel let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness. Is there anything else?" The doctor shook his head, "No, she'll be fine. She should be able to be discharged later today." Gabriel nodded, "Alright." The doctor nodded as well and left the room, leaving Gabriel by himself with the sleeping, sick Nathalie. He groaned as he plopped down in a chair. ~ "F*** you all." The prison cell closed and a loud groan could be heard from inside. "I'm a doctor! I don't belong in here!" A policewoman walked up, "A doctor, a sexual assaulter, a kidnapper...The list goes on. Sorry hotshot, but it looks like your days are done." She smirked and walked away, leaving a very angry Darren to himself. He punched the wall of the prison cell, "I need to get out of here. I need to see her again. I need to make her mine." He growled, "I will take her again, mark my words. That Ladybug won't know what hit him." He smirked. ~ Gabriel looked up at the sleeping woman in front of him. He smiled as she mumbled in her sleep, "I wove you Gwabwiel." "I love you too Nathalie, more than you could ever know." He sighed as he stood up and walked over to Nathalie, kneeling down beside her. He grabbed her hand and rubbed it gently, using his other to stroke her hair, "I found a love, for me. Darling just dive right in, follow my lead. Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet. I never knew you were the someone waiting for me. Cause we were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was. I will not give you up, this time. But darling just kiss me slow, you're heart is all I own. And in your eyes you're holding mine..." He sang gently to Nathalie, trying to keep her happy as she slept. To his satisfaction, it did. Nathalie was fast asleep with a smile on her face, and she was purring. Gabriel smiled as he watched her, "I knew that would help. Sleep tight, my sweet kitten." He gave her a kiss on her forehead and looked down at her. Oh boy, he really did love her. He could do this forever, for the rest of his life. His finger drifted over the ring that laid on her finger. He sighed as he took it off, putting it back in his pocket. "I shouldn't have put this on you yet, I'll ask you when you wake up, if I'm ready that it." He sighed and a few tears fell from his eyes, "I just really love you Nathalie." He mumbled, "And I promise to help you with whatever this sickness is. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back to normal in no time." He kissed her once more, getting ready to stand up and move but he just felt paralyzed. He just couldn't leave her. He sighed as he laid his head on the bed, tears falling down his eyes. He loved her so much. So much that it was impossible to leave her side when she was in such a condition. Impossible to look away from her beautiful, sleeping face. Impossible to not want to hear her purring and the words she mumbles in her sleep. Impossible to not want to feel her soft, gentle touch. He sighed, "I'm going to save you, I promise." Little did he know, he couldn't really do much about Nathalie's illness. He stood up and walked to the other side of the bed, laying down next to her, "We're gonna be able to go home later today, and then we can stay like this all night." He wrapped her in his arms, getting comfortable on the bed. Nathalie started purring louder once she felt Gabriel holding her. Gabriel smiled down at Nathalie, "I have something to ask you later, but I will wait until you're ready. I'm not gonna pressure you like that a**hole did." He sighed, "Even if it takes years, I'm not going to give up." He gave her a gentle kiss and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment. ~ About five hours later, Nathalie was discharged from the  hospital. Gabriel carried their bag as they made their way out to the car. "I'm excited to have you back Nathalie." Gabriel said sweetly as he started driving. Nathalie smiled, "I am too Gabriel, I'm happy to be able to go home and be with you." Gabriel thought, 'Crap, I forgot to ask her.' He huffed in his mind and said, "Me too Nathalie, me too." The rest of the ride back to the mansion was silent. Gabriel kept having a mental debate with himself, should he or should he not give her the ring? He didn't want to push her, especially after all that had happened. But if she did marry him, she would be save. Everyone would know that she was his, and then everything would be fine.

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