Chapter 19- Azure

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"I don't want to fight you Nathalie." Debugnair said as he was dodging punches, "That's not how love works." Loner growled and landed a punch in the ribs, "YOU DON'T LOVE ME! OTHERWISE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT ME ALONE!" Debugnair flinched in pain, both from the punch but more from her words, "I do love you Nathalie, I was just getting stuff so I could stay the night with-" "LIAR!" She jumped at him again, but this time he caught her in his yo-yo, tying her up against a lamppost nearby. He walked up to her and said calmly, "Nathalie, Nathalie look at me." Loner growled, "LET ME GO TRAITOR!" He sighed, "Not until you're saved." The emblem appeared on Loners face, "Shoot him with your gun Loner! Make him set you free!" Loner smirked and obeyed Monarchs command. She secretly shot Debugnair with her ray gun, "I won't isolate you pretty boy, I'll make you my loyal friend instead." Debugnair was now under the enchantment of her powers. "Would you please be a dear and untie me?" He nodded, "Of course Loner." He undid the yo-yo, setting Loner free. She laughed evilly, "Now, give me your miraculous!" He reached his hand up to his earrings and was about to take them off when suddenly he was pushed down. "Don't give her your miraculous!" Debugnair looked up to the the person standing in front of him. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a tail coat. His skin was a light blue and he had a peacock mask draping over his head. His hair was dark blue with light blue on the roots. His eyes were magenta pink. What stood out the most though, was the peacock brooch on his chest. "Who are you?" Debugnair questioned. The person said, "I am Azure, Monarch's ex partner. And I am here to help you defeat her." Debugnair looked confused, "Why would I want to defeat her?" Azure sighed, "Crap. I guess she used her power on you. Well, up to me I guess." Loner yelled, "Give me the miraculouses Debugnair!" Azure yelled as well, "No! Don't!" Debugnair growled, "UGH!" He fell to his knees, shaking. Azure rushed over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's ok Debugnair, just try and snap out of it. Meanwhile, I need this." He grabbed Debugnairs yo-yo from him and started swinging it. "Let's get you saved Nathalie." He mumbled under his breath. He swung the yo-yo, trying to capture Loner but failing each time. ~ Debugnair sat on the ground, trying to pry himself out fo the enchantment. ~ It was his 5th interview of the day, and as usual, people left his office crying. "None of these useless idiots are good enough!" He growled to himself. He needed someone perfect. Someone who knew how to manage a company. Someone who knew how to get things done. But everyone he met so far, didn't mean the requirements. He was on the verge of breaking when suddenly the last person for the day walked in. "Hello Sir." The girl said with confidence. Gabriel nodded, "Hello Miss, and what is your name?" "Nathalie, sir, Nathalie Sancouer." He smiled, there was something about her that made him just want to. "Please, have a seat." He pointed towards a chair on the other side of his desk. She nodded and sat down. "So, Miss Sancouer, why would you like to work as my personal assistant?" Nathalie took in a deep breath and said, "Well, I know how hard it can be managing a big company. My father managed one himself, but he didn't have any help. So I want to help others manage their company as well." Gabriel smiled, "Thank you Miss Sancouer. Now, tell me, what do you think I could do to grow my brand." She replied, "I was thinking you should make some investments whenever the stocks go down, that was you'll have more money when they rise back up again. And you could use that money to open up stores around the world, spreading your brand across the globe." He wrote somethings down, "I like it, it think you would fit in well here. I'll call you back within a day or two if you got the job." She nodded, "Thank you Sir." "Goodbye Nathalie." "Goodbye." She walked out the door. Gabriel sighed and walked over to his window. When he looked out he saw Nathalie walking by. He had made his decision. He quickly called Nathalie, "You got the job." ~ After a few minutes, Debugnair mumbled, "Shoot the yo-yo up in the air." Azure nodded and did so. As the yo-yo was being shot up, Debugnair said, "Lucky charm!" A red spotted object fell from the sky, Azure catching it in his hands. "A bike horn, what am I supposed to do with this?" Loner laughed, "You think you can defeat me with a bike horn? What are you gonna do, honk it in my face?" Azure gasped, "That's it." He ran over to Debugnair and honked the horn in his face, breaking him out of the enchantment. He handed him the yo-yo and said, "Cmon, let's save her." Debugnair nodded and stood up, swinging the yo-yo. He launched it out, capturing Loner in it, "Azure the bracelet!" He nodded and grabbed the bracelet off of Loner, throwing it over to Debugnair. He stepped on it, releasing the akuma. He undid the yo-yo from Loner and said, "No more evil doing for you little akuma, time to de-evilise!" He swung the yo-yo around, capturing the akuma inside, purifying it. He released the now white butterfly, "Goodbye little butterfly." He took the bike form and threw it up in the air, "Miraculous Debugnair!" Pink butterflies filled the air, restoring Paris to the way it was before. "Pound it!" Debugnair and Azure gave each other a first bump before Azure jumped away.~ Nathalie was now sitting on the ground, completely confused. "Gabriel, what happened?" He walked over to her, picking her up, "Let's get you back to the hospital." Nathalie nodded, "Only if you tell me what happened on the way there." He sighed and started making his way back, "Of course kitty."

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