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There was snow all over the ground, and snow falling from the sky

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There was snow all over the ground, and snow falling from the sky. Nobody else was in the park that moment. As the cool winter air caressed her cheek, Marinette let out a long, deep breath. What was she thinking? Why was she still thinking of it?

She walked about the place, wandering aimlessly, the blackness of her hair and the grayness of her coat standing out amidst the white snow. She walked and walked and continued walking, for how long she did not know. When did she become so stupid?

The coldness of the air was nothing in comparison to the former coldness of her heart. Being a frozen lake wasn't the most pleasant experience, but at least it made you invulnerable to the external coldness of the world. Why did she have to defrost? Why couldn't she just stay frozen? Melting awake made her feel so terribly vulnerable. The world....the world was so cruel...

For such a long time, she resisted by becoming colder, harsher and crueler. But then, that fiery ray of sunlight called Adrien Agreste just had to enter her life and break through her walls, providing this unfamiliar but beautiful sense of warmth that had been driving her crazy....

Suddenly, she came to a halt. She really wanted to cry. She had no idea why, but she felt like that. Marinette hadn't cried for a long time. Not since that night, on her seventh birthday, in bed when no one was looking....

Marinette's vision blurred, and she felt hot tears sliding down her face. She tried to wipe them off, but it was of no use. They just kept falling. And suddenly, all the sorrow she had repressed for the past few years all fought their way out in the open. Before she knew it, Marinette fell on her knees and started sobbing. She hated it. She hated feeling like this....

The snow kept falling. So did the tears.

There was no escaping from the coldness anymore. No barrier, no shield. Just reality.

There was no escape. None. All her repressed emotions were pouring down like rain. No one would come to save her. No one--

No one expect him. He was there....

She couldn't believe it. Suddenly, he had come. Was she hallucinating? No, she couldn't be. It felt perfectly real. He pulled her to her feet and wiped off her tears. He smiled at her, bittersweet, as he wrapped an extra jacket around her.

"Seriously, didn't you know that just one coat isn't enough when it's this cold?" said Adrien incredulously "Honestly, how dumb are you? Geez..."

"....y-you? Aren't you....aren't you supposed to be at the party....?" said Marinette in a slightly choked voice. The shock of seeing him here seemed to have stopped the never-ending flow of tears. Adrien scoffed.

"Changed my mind since it was boring as hell. And Kagami broke up with me. It really sucks to be dumped last minute, especially by a hot girl. Fortunately, I am THE Adrien Agreste and literally every girl--and boy--in the world would love to get the opportunity to date me. Kagami has no idea what she's missing, just the advantages of being with me, you know" he bragged.

Unlikely (An Adrienette AU) {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now