The Key

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Jorge stared at Ava.
"I hate you."
He stated laconic. Hiccup shook his head and smiled.
"Thanks guys. I really appreciate this a lot."
Jorge rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever. Hiccup chuckled.
"Any plans?" Ava asked bluntly. Hiccup shook his head.
"We could visit my old caretaker, maybe she knows something." He suggested. Finn's grandma suffered as well Alzheimer, so he doubted that.
"Any other persons who know about your past?" He asked therefore. Hiccup thought about it for a second.
"No, only the director of this university knows that I'm an orphan. But he couldn't know every detail of my past. Impossible."
"You know how that car of Viggo looks like? With the help of the city we could track down his destination." Ava suggested.
"How could we possibly get the city to help us?" Jorge asked sceptically. Ava looked smugly and stretched her fingers.
"Oh I have my ways."
Finn inhaled big.
"So we'd have that surely covered."
"Though we have no idea how he got to us and if he used a car, which one." Hiccup sighed, remembering darkly how he was chained and gagged the whole night.
"Why not just use Google?"
The friends looked at the twins.
"Thorsten, Google isn't the answer to everything." Hiccup explained tiredly.
Ruth grinned.
"Wanna bet?" Her mobile already in her head.
"Describe." She requested. Hiccup sighed, but described nevertheless.
"So a wooden cylinder formed object with a snake eating a lens?" Ruth summed up. Everyone knew this was a waste of time.
"You sure it's not a dragon eating a lens?" Thorsten asked with a raised eyebrow. Hiccup groaned.
"Come on guys, that's a waste of time! Please consider logical explanations."
Thorsten whispered to Ruth to change the snake into dragon. Hiccup sighed and blocked out the twins.
"Ok, Viggo said goodbye and made a sign we would never see again. That can mean he's anywhere by now."
"Maybe not even in this country anymore."
"We can't fly off anywhere!" Finn cried out nervously, thinking of their studies.
"I know I know, maybe if we-"
"What!? What do you want?!" He snapped aggressively at the twins. Later he would surely feel sorry, but now he was stressed.
Ruth held out her mobile. The picture showing exactly what he had lost.
"How did you...?"
"Complete bullshit's coming if you use Google." Jorge replied and showed his results. The twins shrugged.
"We have our own ways." Ruth said and they shared a malicious grin. Hiccup opened his mouth, but closed it again. Finn laid a big hand on Hiccup's tender shoulder.
"The less we know, the better." He explained, and Hiccup eventually nodded.
"So what did you find out?" He asked, as they slowly went to sat at the table.
"That it's a criminal community, called the hunters." Thorsten read dramatically. Finn gasped at the word criminal.
"They search for this so called dragon eye, which is supposed to hold mysterious and unknown powers." Ruth continued.
"You say Witch craft?" Jorge summed it up. The twins shrugged.
"Dunno what this dragon eye does." Thorsten said and pointed at Hiccup. He put up his hands in defense.
"I don't know anything. My parents didn't leave a note when they abandoned me." He replied bitterly.
"You said the man's called Viggo?" Ruth asked. The three nodded.
"We got into the chat."
"Are you Hackers in dark web?" Jorge asked suspiciously. Thorsten laughed.
"Oh little Jorgy, some things you just don't want to know."
Said person swallowed hard.
"What does the chat say?" Hiccup interrupted, ignoring the twin's criminal activities.
The twins read for a while, silent.
"Holy Hic', did ya know they've been spying on you for years?" Thorsten laughed. Hiccup became nervous. If it was only Viggo, fine, but knowing that there were a lot of people, a whole community! This could be like leading on a war against mafia!
Ava groaned.
"Give that to me!" She snapped and snatched away the phone. Her eyes travelled quickly and she soaked up given information. Then her eyes widened.
"What is it?" Hiccup asked and tried to peek in.
"We might wanna call the police Hiccup." She answered instead, her throat suddenly very dry. Now Hiccup snatched it away and read. The mobile slipped through his trembling fingers.
"And?" Finn asked curious and frightened at the same time. Hiccup gulped.
"They're missing the key."
Jorge grinned.
"That's good, isn't it?"
Hiccup looked down at his open palms.
"They think I'm the key."

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