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Slowly green eyes fluttered open. They surveyed the surroundings, appearing very unfamiliar. A sharp pain in his left leg woke the young boy completely and he gritted his teeth, in order to not cry out loud. Hiccup pushed himself up and panted. He swallowed, and coughed, since his throat was dry like a desert. In front of him was a wooden wall. As well as behind and next to him. He figured he was in a wooden house. This would be the only logical explanation. But why would he be there in the first place?
He remembered he had homework to be done, oh wait no, he had that covered in the library. Then he came home and, Viggo. With this name, every forgotten memory flood back into his mind, his breathing getting shallow and high. He found his father! Was he in his house? Where was Ava? Were his friends all safe and sound?
The dragon attack! They had been attacked by dragons! Real dragons! Oh gosh, where had they gotten themselves into!
He took his blankets, ready to stand up.
Something was wrong.
He compared the right bulge of his leg under the blanket with his left.
This was impossible.
Only a bad dream. He couldn't just lose his left foot. Sure, that did happen to people, but not to him, right? There was definitely a logical explanation. When the blanket would be gone he would laugh at his stupidity. He would walk and look for his friends, or father. He would just walk normally, like always. Always couldn't be over. Hiccup became nervous, scared of reality slapping him when he put the blanket away. He wiggled his toes. Tears stung in his eyes. There must be a logical explanation! He couldn't lose a leg! He could never walk again.
No! Life wouldn't be over because of that?
Of course not, there were far worse cases of amputees. He could get a prosthetic leg back home. Then he would walk again. Yes.
What was he panicking anyways? It wasn't like he really lost his leg. He was just overreacting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Quickly he pushed the blanket away. Tears dropped down his cheeks. With trembling hands he reached for his leg. He opened his mouth in a silent cry when he touched the stump.
Little sobs escaped his mouth. He clenched his eyes tightly together.
This wasn't true, this wasn't true, this wasn't true!
He opened his eyes and forced himself to stare at the ugly stump. To accept his reality. His life as a cripple.
"No..ho.." He cried out loud in agony. He grabbed his arms and bound himself in an embrace, wiggling front and back.
He said himself he was happy to be alone. So no one could witness his breakdown.
Internally he knew he wished someone to be here for him. Though no person he knew could fill that hole.


The creature limped to the lake. With a sigh it rested his head and took big sips of the water. It had been two weeks after the last attack. If the black creature had known how life changing this attack would've been, it would've certainly stayed home.
By now it was too late.
It had fled after saving the boy and lost somewhere it's consciousness. When it woke up, it found itself in this stupid cove. It had tried several times to get out of here, but it's wings wouldn't work. No, it wasn't it's wings fault. They were completely fine, if you ignore the few bruises of the several crashes. It's tail was to blame. It had realized that one fin was missing, but that didn't stop it from trying to fly. It had to flee. As a downed dragon it was almost likely dead.
The dragon, as black as the night groaned exhausted. It wasn't yet ready to give up, but it knew that it would never fly again.
It burned a circle in the cold ground to warm it up. Then it laid down and rested it's head sadly.
A chirping noise dragged it's attention. It looked at the little bird, building it's nest. Without looking at the big dragon, the small bird flapped it's wings and disappeared in the white clouded sky. With a strong feeling of yearning it followed the tracks of the bird with it's green eyes.
The bird was gone.
It had flown away.
The crippled dragon released a cry full of agony.


"She says, it's already healed from the outside, but there's still some damage to heal on the ringside?"
The staff of the old woman met Gobber's head and he cried out in pain.
"Inside! It's inside, but I swear it looks like ringside." Gobber defended himself. Since the old healer couldn't, or wouldn't speak, she used her staff to write on the ground. Though it looked more like weird pictures, only Gobber could translate.
"Thanks." Hiccup sighed sadly. Gobber's smile vanished and he looked at the young lad with sympathy.
"Don't worry, your life isn't over with the loss of a leg. As soon as your stump can endure pressure, I can give you the best prosthetic I've ever invented. And Hel yeah, you'll be running like a normal son again."
Hiccup looked at the blacksmith and forced up a smile.
"Thanks Gobber. I really appreciate that." Gobber sighed, still sad that the boy was as depressed as before. He sat down on the bed next to Hiccup. Gothi nodded, her eyes filled with sorrow, and left the house.
"What's bugging you lad? If it's the ladies, you don't have to worry."
Hiccup widened his eyes in surprise and started laughing, finally with a smile that reached to his eyes.
"No Gobber! That isn't my problem at all!" He denied, glad to have this conversation with him than his dad. Somehow it felt easier to bound with anyone else but his father. Which didn't mean he hated his father. Just the opposite. He was only scared of disappointing him every time they met. It wasn't that hard to miss that they've grown up with totally different values.
"Then why do you refuse to let the lass enter. She hasn't seen you since the accident." Hiccup's smile dropped.
"You know she's blaming herself for what happened."
Hiccup sighed.
"It isn't her fault."
Gobber shook his head.
"Don't tell me, tell her."
"I know I know. I'm just, not ready." Of course he didn't tell Gobber that he wasn't ready to face them, just to tell them he lost the dragon eye. Their only ticket back home. If his memories were right, Ava desperately wanted home.
"Fine. I'll just go and tell her you don't want to see her." Gobber meant and stood up. Hiccup left the words rotating in his brain, before realizing the harshness.
Gobber stopped.
"Maybe, tell her it's not her fault and I'm just not ready to-"
"Tell her yourself." The man chuckled and disappeared downstairs. Hiccup facepalmed, witnessing Gobber and Ava chatting downstairs. His gaze fell upon the blank space in front of his bed. He suddenly wondered why it bothered him so badly. Something was missing.
"Good morning."
Hiccup's head snapped at the door, seeing a nervous girl fumbling with her fingers on her clothes. He looked up and his eyes met with the sun.
"Afternoon, milady." He smiled, truly happy to see her. She giggled a little, but then there was an awkward silence. Her gaze found his legs, hidden under the blanket. She bit her lip when she saw the missing left bulge.
They sighed in unison, as they spoke.
"I'm sorry, I-"
They looked at each other.
"You go first." Hiccup proposed.
"No you, you're the Chief's son." She shrugged her shoulders and glanced up to the ceiling.
"And you're my best friend, now spit it out." He demanded.
"I'm sorry for what happened. It's all my fault." Hiccup shook his head.
"It isn't, and I'm sorry for making you think that by shutting you guys out. I know, it's probably too late to care, but did you all find a good place to stay?"
The girl chuckled.
"Indeed, we were kind of adopted into several households until we leave."
Hiccup scratched his head.
"About that..."
The blond girl raised one eyebrow.
"The dragon eye? I lost it."
"You did what?!" She snapped, already hating herself for this outburst.
"Was it that dragon?"
Hiccup was about to reply, remembering how the dragon tried to get rid of him while holding the eye.
A dagger inside his table surprised him.
"I'm gonna kill that goddamn dragon for what he did to you! I'll rip off his wings and give him a taste of his own medicine!" She threatened dangerously. Hiccup looked perplexed at her.
"Nope, just must've lost it while falling." He quickly squeaked.
She sighed.
"Well, looks like we'll be staying here for quite some time. Then I'll assign myself for dragon training." Hiccup widened his eyes, remembering the terrifying great dragons.
"But Ava-"
"It's Astrid." She corrected him with a smile.
"Gobber already asked me, pointing out I've got talent. It'll be helpful to kill that dragon."
Hiccup grabbed her hands.
"Please don't. I dont want you to share my destiny. It's already enough that one of us returns with a great damage."
Astrid smiled when she heard him say return. So he wasn't going to stay with his father after all.
"I'll be careful." She promised and kissed his forehead. Hiccup blinked confused, Astrid already out of his sight.
"Don't worry, I'll avenge you with the dragon's head. I promise." She said and left his hut. Hiccup sighed sadly.
"Why can't they see that without that dragon, I wouldn't be laying in bed but in a grave now?"

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