Author's note

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Yap, I did it.
I actually did it.
I finished my first How to train your dragon Fan Fiction. And I'm exhausted!
It is so hard to fight against that damned writer's block. But believe me, it's even worse when you actually want to continue the story, but just can't write. You want so badly, but you just can't, nothing won't come out. And then you sit there, reading writer memes and mopping around.
Since that is over now, just joking xD
Of course there will be a sequel. I just have to do it. That was like, no ending at all. I just decided to split the story in more books. That I can finish one at least. Result stays the same, but it makes me personally happy xD
So where was I actually going with this...
Ah right:
Thank you all for reading this so far :)
Please forgive me for grammatical mistakes or any other mistake that happened to me, I can't help it. I think it's obvious, but I need to say it anyways.
Nothing but the idea of the Fan Fiction belongs to me. Everything else goes to Cressida Cowells and DreamWorks, they are the real heroes.
What is there left to say? I'm tired, it's almost one a clock, I want to sleep so badly and I just found a tick on the couch. I don't know anything else to say but thank you. Just for reading it.
I hope I'll get the story done, but I gotta admit...
I don't know how to end this.
You thought I had a pretty good plan in my sleeve? What the dragon eye will do and how Hiccup is supposed to solve this war peacefully?
I've got no clue!
Seriously, I come up with the end as I write, but now I'm completely clueless. I'm literally juggling with ideas, every out turn not perfect enough. Some even contain Hiccup becoming a Night or Light Fury. Though I want to keep it realistic... But yes, they travelled into another world with magic.
I'm still debating with myself on how big the role of magic will be.
If anyone of you as an idea, I'm open for suggestions.
As for now, this book will be closed and somewhere, a new will be born.
As soon as I find inspiration and motivation.
With that said,

Till we read again...

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