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Emerald eyes, filled with wilderness. And yet so terribly familiar.
Tap, thunk, tap thunk.
He heard himself oddly walking, though he couldn't know why.
All he felt was a scaly surface in his palm. The rest was pitch black.
The only sign, indicating him he wasn't blind, was the pair of wild green eyes, eyeing him like a helpless prey.
Still, he didn't feel scared at all. Just the opposite, he felt a crying of belonging.
The word home seemed to be made for this situation.
Warm breath tickled his nose and sent a wave of happiness through his body. This was followed by a soft growl, more sounding like a mroo.

The hypnotic eyes left his vision, all of a sudden, leaving him alone in the dark.
The coldness returned, fear striked him, choking him. He tried to create a cry of distress, but somehow was unable to.
The warmth returned, in a brutal way, heating him up. No.
Burning him up.
The blackness was exchanged with bright light which hurt his eyes. The silent mroo appeared again, though it turned into a painful screech.
It broke his heart, hearing the poor distressed... something.
Leaving him to forget his own, hopeless situation.
The bright, white light biting his skin. Biting deeper. Burning his skin into fading ash.
He'd preferred it, over the dark black eyes, observing him behind the agonizing source of fire. Enjoying his agony.
A hand.
Another painful screech filled his ears. But unlike the first time, he actually understood the intention
He looked for the source of the warning.
The ugly hand came nearer.
Another screech.
He tried to appreciate the warning, but he had no control over his feet.
The nearing big human paw scared him more than the biting fire on his skin. He backed away. There was no wall stopping him, so why couldn't he move?
He panicked, struggling against his fate, thrashing, but that didn't stop the hand from moving towards him.
He watched in utter horror, as the hand could practically touch him.
But didn't.
This was freaking him out even more.
The last screech left his bones trembling and with a speed he couldn't foretell, the hand clawed his arm brutally, leaving a nasty scratch to bleed.

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