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The group sighed annoyed and eyed their food on the wooden table.
"Porridge..." muttered Snotlout in disgust.
"Again." Added Fishlegs annoyed. Every member of the teens stoked into their food unmotivated. They were sick of it. They missed their home and everything they thought was a given.
The great door to the Mead Hall opened and a scrawny adult pushed himself through. He was totally wet and tired out, but a happy smile was drawn on his lips.
"Hiccup? Where were you?" Asked Astrid concerned. Hiccup quietly moved to the table where his friends were glooming.
"Me?" He countered back nervously. Astrid raised one eyebrow in suspicion.
"I hoped you'd come to the arena and watch us fight. I smacked down a Gronckle like an expert said Gobber." She bragged proudly, but Hiccup wasn't impressed. She'd even say disgusted, but maybe he was only tired.
"Now where were you all day?" She asked again, realizing he hadn't given her a decent answer.
"Oh, just strolling through the village with my dad." He explained scratching the back of his head. Astrid scowled.
"Weird. When I met the Chief after training he was alone." Astrid mused dangerously. Hiccup sweated, but you couldn't really tell since he was all wet.
"Uhm! That... that makes sense of course, because then I must've been with Gobber... in the forge. You know, blacksmithing and all of that. It's fun." He answered dryly. Astrid frowned annoyed, sensing that Hiccup was hiding something. Normally she wouldn't care, but that was Hiccup they were talking about! She had never in her life cared for a person like she did for Hiccup, god knows why. Maybe she really had a crush for him.
"What's with all the wet thingy?" Tuffnut pointed out and Astrid thanked him internally. That was a good question and she had almost forgotten about it.
"Uh! Uhm! Rain! Strong rain, just around the corner. Very suddenly started and stopped. Weirdest thing ever!" He laughed nervously while Astrid smiled in triumph. That excuse was weak enough to bust him. Just when she opened her mouth the big doors crashed against the wall and a soaken wet Chief stumped in.
"Stupid rain." He muttered under his breath. Astrid looked dumbfounded at both father and son. She exchanged glances with Hiccup.
"Told you." He deadpanned and sat between Tuff and 'legs.
"I want pizza." Complained Snotlout out of a sudden. Hiccup looked up from his porridge.
"What's with you guys? You look like you just returned from your own funeral." Hiccup described the tense situation. Snotlout glared at his friend.
"We've been here for months now Hiccup. We miss our homes." Astrid explained dryly and reproachful. Hiccup thought darkly of his only home. His apartment in which he nearly got raped. He shook the thought away.
"Aw come on. We're like Christopher Columbus! We discovered a new world! We should really enjoy it." He tried to lighten the mood.
"We already did, while you spent your time in your bed." Tuffnut pointed out and got hit by Ruffnut.
"He lost his leg, what else was he supposed to do."
It was getting harder and harder to maintain his cheery mood. He poked in his porridge. Hiccup also missed pizza.
"Look, we can't enjoy our time anymore. This world is so wrong and messed up. I miss the comfort of our world." Astrid explained carefully.
"Yeah. Where we don't have to fear to get killed every day." Fishlegs retorted grimly.
"And where there's good food." Snotlout added and shoved away his porridge he almost hadn't touched. It was true, their basic meal was porridge or fish. Everyone was sick of it.
Hiccup's stump was aching after the long day. Honestly, all he wanted to do was sleep and rest for the following day.
Promptly he stood up and slammed his hands on the wooden table.
"Alright! Immediate change of plan!" Hiccup decided. His friends opened their eyes wide in expectation.
"Tuff, Ruff, you get a bag full of tomatoes." He ordered. They looked confused at Hiccup.
"And then?" They asked. Hiccup grinned maliciously and bumped his fist into his open palm.
"Smash it." The faces of the twins turned sinister themselves. They bumped their heads together and grinned.
"Fishlegs. You're in for the mushrooms and any other vegetables of your choice." Hiccup continued. Fishlegs' eyes lightened up and he squeaked in childish happiness.
"Snotlout. You got the meat or sausage covered up. Bring anything you find aka manage to steel." Hiccup decided and crossed his arms. Snotlout copied the pose.
"Sweet." He commented satisfied.
"What's the deal?" Astrid asked, suspicion rising.
"Astrid. How good is your cooking?" Hiccup asked instead. The girl stemmed her hands on her hips.
"You're speaking with the pro." She answered with a confident grin. Hiccup smiled, seeing that his friends were finally cheered up and motivated.
"We meet in an hour at our location." He explained and left for the door.
"Where's our location?" Asked Ruffnut and probably spoke for everyone in the group.
Hiccup grinned smugly.
"You're Vikings. Follow the hints."

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