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"Grab your axes and follow my lead!" Roared the Chief at his men. A certain group of teenagers were following them. They were distressed, confused, incomplete.
"How can we help?" Astrid finally decided to speak up. Stoick barely turned around.
"Evacuate children and elders. If there's a burning house, cease the fire." He ordered patiently, but his voice made signs not to say anything against his decisions. Snotlout happened to miss the tone.
"With all due respect Sir. We're skilled dragon killers. We should be out there in the battle field." He protested arrogantly. Astrid glared angrily at him.
"No. I need you somewhere else. Follow orders." He grumbled and disappeared with the elders.
"What was that all about?" Astrid snapped at the male Viking.
"What?" The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Just sayin'."
"Shouldn't we, oh I don't know, free Hiccup?" Considered Fishlegs.
"That traitor?" Snotlout spat and earned a hit from Astrid.
"Oh come on. Don't act like that. That little backstabber fooled us all."
"Hiccup isn't a backstabber!" Declared Astrid furiously.
"He's just confused and naive."
"But the dragon did save him." Pointed Fishlegs out and earned a glare from everyone.
"Oh come on guys, Hiccup isn't unreasonable. He has a true heart and wouldn't kill mindlessly, that we know. But he's still a mystery to explore."
When Fishlegs mentioned the word mystery, everyone felt a burble in their stomach of excitement. After all, thanks to Hiccup they had found a whole new world to explore.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'll go free Hiccup and follow his plans." Fishlegs decided and turned around.
Everyone turned around when they heard Tuffnut yell, even Fishlegs.
"Dude where have you been?" Questioned her sister, hands on her hips. The boy arrived and let his hands fall on his knees, panting and gasping for air.
"Spit it out." Groaned Snotlout with his eyes rolling.
"Ships... Ships coming.... Ha... Puh... To... Berk..."
He gasped between pants.
"Berk is getting attacked?!" Panicked Astrid.
"Who would do that?" Wondered Snotlout. He shifted his weight on his right foot and crossed his arms. As clumsy as he is, his knee buckled and he fell over, much to Tuffnut's amusement.
"Maybe they're allies..." Mused Fishlegs in hope.
"Duh?" Snickered Ruffnut. Everyone looked surprised at the girl with her fists stemmed on her hips.
"They're hunters." She explained with using her hands and eventually crossing her arms before her chest. Her two braids always moved with her motion.
"How do you-" Astrid wondered confused and pointed out what everyone was thinking.
"Didn't you listen to Hiccup? His crying about The hunters are coming Dad, they're coming for me!"
She mocked the young adult with a ridiculous voice. Tuffnut agreed between pants.
"Oh Thor! They're searching the dragon eye!" Realized Fishlegs dramatically scared. Astrid bit her lip and thought quickly.
"Change of plans. Hiccup stays where he is. In a cell he is safe and locked away-"
"But also defenseless if they overtake Berk." Pointed Tuffnut out, finally having caught his breath.
"It won't get this far. We tell Stoick about the real threat and attack the boats with burning arrows!" She suggested determined and bumped her fist into her open palm.
"I still think we should get Hiccup into this." Squealed Fishlegs concerned.
Astrid shook her head.
"No time, let's go."
And then she raced up to the Chief, the other teens following her rather reluctantly.
"Chief, w-"
"For Thor's sake I told you to-"
Stoick snapped, enraged the youngsters didn't follow his command.
"Hiccup was right." She confessed breathing heavily from the run.
"What?" He spluttered surprised.
"Hunters, coming from the North."
Stoick followed the young adults to the cliff.
"By the love of Odin..." He muttered by the sight of hundreds of fleets. Shaking his head in disbelief he mused desperately.
"But we don't have enemies. Sure, we should've renewed the Meathead Peace treaty a while ago, but they wouldn't- would they?"
"Look at the flags guys. It's the same symbol of the chat." Fishlegs noticed.
"Of the what?" Stoick asked.
"Unnecessary." Astrid waved her hand.
"What matters is that the dragons are our lessest problem. These hunters are coming for us, specifically for Hiccup. He has something they want." Astrid declared sternly. Stoick widened his eyes when the name of his son was mentioned. Of course he did care for him a lot. Right after he had disowned him he had stumbled in disbelief. How could he? He was so driven in the situation, words he'd never consider spluttered out of him. As soon as this was over he owed his son an apology, if he intended not to lose him again.
"Oh Hiccup..." He murmured concerned.
"What's the plan?" Astrid spoke out despite already having a plan formed on her own.
Stoick needed a moment to breath, worry condemning him. But he had to stay strong. He was the Chief.
"We'll defend Berk with everything we got. Shoot fire arrows and boulders as soon as possible." He decided finally, his voice stern, showing no emotion.
"What about Hiccup?" Reminded Fishlegs rather shy. Stoick turned around, his furry eyebrows crossed.
"Hiccup is safer in the cell. Until that's sorted out, that's where he will stay!"

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