Building Alliances

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Hiccup's breath was rapid.
The silence was crushing him, the darkness being too heavy. Everything was driving him insane. He thought about racing to the door, banging against it, crying for somebody.
But let's face it.
It's worthless. What could he possibly achieve with it?
"Fuck..." Hiccup muttered and rested his back and head on the cool wall. His hands travelled through his dirty Auburn hair. He was trapped while his former family was out there on a suicidal mission.
The dragon hunters... No doubt that was Viggo and the hunters they had met in their old world.
Back home.
It seemed so far away, Hiccup already started doubting it had ever existed.
He wished it hadn't.
The memory of his old world was painful and lonely.
Let's face it: you're a mistake. No one likes you, no one will ever like you and you'll definitely never get adopted. You'd been better of dead...
Old words of his bullies echoed through his head. Being the only child in the orphanage to be abandoned, the rest had lost their parents in horrible accidents. To get rid of their anger and sadness, they let it out on Hiccup. The only one who hadn't lost his parents because he hadn't even been given the privilege of meeting his parents.
Piss off weirdo, you're not one of us...
Hiccup started sobbing, tears spilling down his cheeks. He hugged his knees, curled himself in a low attempt of saving himself of his old pal called depression.
You're the reason Miss Eberknee has Alzheimer! Why? Because she needed to forget you, creep!
Hiccup wondered whose words they were. The one of the bullies or the sound of his own voice?
You don't belong here. You belong nowhere. What did you think? Another world would finally accept you?
"Stop... Please stop..." Hiccup cried, digging his nails in his head. The torture didn't intend to end.
Not even your father can stand you! Three months and you already managed to get yourself disowned! And that after he missed you for almost twenty years! Pathetic! But who could possibly be surprised? We're talking about Hiccup. Hiccup the Useless. The weirdo.
Hiccup chocked painfully, his lungs protesting to get any air. His depression never disappeared. While he concentrated on his studies and gained suddenly friends, depression had taken a break.
Now that he had lost everything, absolutely everything, it was back again and harder than ever.
You lost your friends. Your only family for some stupid dragon. Now where is he? Where is the dragon that crippled you? You naive idiot thank him for your life, without him you wouldn't have landed in the sky in the first place. You wouldn't even have landed here.
Internally Hiccup cursed Viggo. He had destroyed his nearly perfect life, brought back his past to the surface he had successfully forgotten.
Given everything up for a dragon you don't even know! Why had he stolen the dragon eye? He never confessed his motives. Idiot...
"Shut up shut up shut up!" Hiccup repeated like a mantra, as if it could chase away the demons in his head. His eyes were tightly closed, his hands clung to his brown hair until his knuckles turned skeleton white. He shook his head furiously, but the words wouldn't stop. The devil just laughed sinisterly in his head.

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