~~World 2-Level One~~

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**See Description For Disclaimer**

AN: … Hi. So, I didn't think I'd ever post here again, on this story I mean. But a lot of you guys are persistent. Even now, nearly two months after announcing the series as discontinued, you're still PM-ing me. That's some dedication right there. But you finally got to me. I was writing to another PM explaining why I wouldn't write on this anymore when I slowly stopped thinking 'Wow… I'm having a hard time thinking of reasons to say no'.

So here I am. This is not, however, AWGTHIS IS A SPIN-OFF OF A WIZARD'S GAME. Specifically, a sort of jumpchain of sorts, though if you've even been halfway attentive to the story up to this point, you already know the method of world travelling.

Next, this fic won't have the little italics dialogues in-between line breaks. I have a suspicion that half of you don't read those and I'd honestly rather just make interludes more common than make a bunch of them.

Finally, I made two pretty important polls related to this story. Go to my profile and look at the top of the page for them. I'm going to wait a week before taking it down and uploading more chapters.

If you have a profile I'd appreciate it if you would vote on whether to make this a new story and post it elsewhere or leave it here in the AWG story. On one hand I'm not sure how many people will notice a spin-off if I post it in a different story.

On the other hand, I'd prefer not to bother you all who follow the story here with notifications about a story that's not truly AWG but a spin-off of it in case you don't want to read this renewal of the story. Let me know, would you? Oh, and I made a second poll for, *ahem*, lemons. About three people have asked for them and I'm not sure whether their opinion represents the majority or not.

[|||| =WORLD 2= ||||]

[|||| =LEVEL 1= ||||]

The feeling hit me like a chill up my spine so violent it was almost painful as well as a feeling of something tearing out of me. Thinking I was under attack and caught completely off guard considering I was asleep just a moment ago I rolled out of my bed only to fall onto scorching sandy ground, which I sunk into even as I cloaked myself in a dozen magical defenses. I reached out with my more magical senses, as I was buried under sand, and saw nothing. I looked harder and more thoroughly and saw nothing. Other senses gave me nothing as well. I tried to trigger a teleport back to Beacon but it felt like I ran into a wall. That had never happened before. I tried doing a teleport with void in case I had to break through wardings but the same feeling persisted. What was going on?!

I phased myself out of space and flew upwards before looking around physically. There was… sand. Sand everywhere. But that answered nothing. Was I in Vacuo? Eastern Mistral? Or even far down south?

Flying farther up I made sure to keep the air and pressure around me stable. I briefly considered a space suit but had no idea where I'd get one. I prodded my metal affinity to make a thick suit of steel around me, using my magic to keep the joints flexible. For the faceplate I took out two circles of bulletproof glass I had for constructing weapons scopes and put them near my eyes before melting metal around them so I could see but was entirely covered from radiation. I could probably cure cancer, but I had never tried and this was easier.

I kept going farther up, looking far over the horizon. I was high enough to see the curvature of the planet but it wasn't quite far enough. There was just desert. Besides that, nothing.

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