~~Level Five~~

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AN: I'm glad I have these chapter buffers. I've been stuck on one chapter for like a week and a half. It's been really annoying.

[|||| =LEVEL 5= ||||]

I had rolled around the thought of actually using my points a few more times and finally sighed and came to my conclusion. I was OP compared to most people but I was also a bit of a glass cannon. A strong blast from, say, Sirzechs, the leader of the Devils and one of the strongest beings in DxD, could end me if I wasn't tapping into the void. Maybe my affinity for void would act on it's own and defend me, as my affinities sometimes do, but that wasn't something to be counted on.

And DxD, where there were a lot of absurdly strong people with a lot of crazy abilities, was someplace I liked to go to and shouldn't just leave to fester when I could be dealing with threats to me or people close to me. Kuroka was hardly made of glass, but not helping her out was shirking my duty as her boyfriend.

I eventually came to the thought of 'how many of these points is Kuroka worth to me'. The answer was all of them. Knowing that I could tap into the void and kill an untold number of beings made them worth a lot less to me. So if I was willing to give that much I was willing to give a good amount. About a thousand would do.

So a thousand was what I was going to spend.

I warped to a different universe that was uninhabited and cast my senses out. There was nothing. The world I was on was basically Mars but with an atmosphere. I couldn't even see any grass. Perfect.

I sat down and opened the old interface. I noted a few point gains and dismissed them. But I had some preparation to do before I did anything drastic. I went a few miles away and disposed of everything in my soul space. I had to be extremely careful to not break anything considering I had a house and my airship in there but I got it done. My soul was about to shift massively and I didn't want anything bad to happen in it.

I wrote down some circles of runes to hold affinity and filled them with my various types before releasing my elementals, who made various noises of disgruntlement at finally being let loose from my soul, where they slept all the time. I still felt a connection to them so I transmitted what I was doing to them through my aura and severed it with void, hoping to remake it later. I did the same to my panther soul, albeit with a slightly different runic circle.

Finally I got naked (I liked my clothes) and teleported to the other side of the planet, which was about the same as before except the soil was a dark brown rather than red. I could also see a sea of some sort in the distance but I didn't think the liquid was water. It didn't matter.

Hoping that I wasn't overreacting, I mentally allocated the points I had to intelligence and wisdom, the only stats that really mattered, and allocated some points to luck for good measure. I took a deep breath and committed the alloca-


I felt my soul wracked with it, not a white-hot pain but a more deep pain, like a growing pain amplified by a few thousand times. I saw a sharp red light shining from my body, making a sphere of red around me. Farther out of my little red sphere an oppressive blue haze took precedence and elements raged. Lightning boomed and thunder cracked, fire roared, ice grew on the ground only to be broken moments later, light warped and thrashed, and space itself bent. I didn't see void but it didn't really have a color besides an empty black when it ate light.

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