~~Level Eleven~~

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AN: This is a day late not because I missed the date but because I realized last minute that there was a lemon at the end that I needed to write. I feel kinda bad for being late so much so you get an interlude on top of the chapter! Yay!

I tried to take the advice of a guy with the initials of SLM with the lemon. I'm not sure if he's used his real name or not so I'm not going to say his username but he sent me a PM with some advice. Thanks for that. It definitely helped. Have a nice week, you all.

[|||| =LEVEL 11= ||||]

A whole month passed with little to nothing happening. Kuroka was pregnant, of course, with as much as we had done together that was a given. Ophis was pregnant too, but in a different sense. Her soul had an anomaly in it that was tinted a little red. It was collecting void affinity from her slowly and growing in power but it would take a long, LONG time before it gained enough affinity to form a physical body through sheer presence of magical energy like it's mother. She wasn't pregnant in a physical sense but in a magical sense she was forming a new soul.

I was a little concerned but not particularly much. All I had to do was make a body for the fledgeling soul when we decided it should be born. It was almost more convenient than a normal birth since we could have the baby born as soon as we wanted, which was decided to be when Kuroka had hers.

I was also concerned about Kuroka's baby since I used my enhanced faunus DNA and she had nekoshou DNA but that was easily fixed by feeding the budding soul in her a trickle of life affinity every night. It would also likely give the soul a propensity for life magic if the affinity was assimilated into the soul's structure. That could be nothing but good.

I made sure to study how souls were formed by writing a daily analysis in my journal and using observe to measure how powerful it was and how much affinity it had. The study would help me know how to safely modify other burgeoning souls in the future.

Besides the pregnancy not much had happened. I had watched Harry in the second task, he was perfectly fine and saved Hermione without much trouble. He also saved Fleur's sister, making me very nearly go tease him about making a harem. Thankfully I restrained myself… and Kuroka.

In the teigu-verse Esdeath had been flushing out criminals and searching for Night Raid with the three beasts, though she was having little success. I didn't mind going to slaughter some criminals or bandits with Esdeath, though. It was almost like a date for the two of us, though our actual dates were quite nice too. It seemed to frustrate her that we weren't going very far as a couple but it only made her more determined to flush out Night Raid. I had given her a little card of dyed ice that, when cracked, would send me a signal of void from across dimensions and let me see her deal with the assassins or help out if I had to.

I hadn't gone to any other dimensions in the meantime. I had thought about it but decided to stay idle and spend time with my girlfriends. I had set up my magical workshop, done more to fill the house with things of value to me, tended to my cult, did a lot of reading on DxD's magical knowledge, and did a lot of work on my property making trails to nice points around the estate and making magical anomalies just because it would be amusing to see people discover them. My future kids, for example. I had a feeling that making anomalies would be a long-term project. I had a lot of ground to cover, after all, and I wasn't just throwing around affinity. I put actual effort to create interesting magical effects. That and making deposits of dust here and there. They reminded me of home.

I was just waiting until somebody found the first anomaly. Ophis wasn't interested in walking around but I kind of hoped Kuroka wandered around the wilds at some point.

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