~~Level Eighteen~~

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AN: Spending some time on the homefront this time. Next chapter if all goes to plan we're breaking open another world. If I veer horribly off course, as has been tradition for my entire writing career? Well, trainwrecks are fun with the right attitude!

Also, I should note that this chapter has a bit of content that's a bit mature and a little inappropriate but not exactly explicit. I find it more funny than anything but some people might blush a bit. If you've come this far, though, you probably won't care much.

[|||| =LEVEL 18= ||||]

Yesss, my horrible, evil plan of giving Taylor a best friend was progressing nicely. Hopefully Irisai could charm the socks off of her. I actually doubted that the two wouldn't get along. Irisai had a powerful personality and tended to draw people in just by the virtue of being interesting in a good way.

Having my plans enacted left me a lot of free time. Worm was settled for now as Irisai had befriended Taylor and the girl herself was preparing to kill Coil. It was best to let the world stew and have her get her feet on solid ground. So, what to do? The answer was a bit obvious, having been my routine for the past few months.

Embrace the couch, my closest companion.

I lay splayed over the couch like some sort of flung rag. My hands were fiddling with a controller but even then only my fingers and thumbs were making tiny motions, everything else motionless. A game of Xcom 2 was on the screen and I was staring with half lidded eyes, wondering in the back of my mind if I should poke my nose into that world.

It seemed interesting but it also had a firm structure in its major powers. I wouldn't be able to hide the truth of where I came from. I'd have to be very cunning to avoid notice - and probably leave a few bodies or wiped minds along the way - or I'd have to be upfront with my powers and the whole God situation I had found myself in.

For the most part, though, I was just lazing about, the thoughts of manipulation and work a background process to my games.

*Bzzzzzzz* Ah, work, my old nemesis rears its ugly head.

*Bzzzzzzz*... My phone was on the side table. It was just within arms reach, but could my arms handle the strain of actually lifting up?

*Bzzzzzzz* I groaned faintly and turned to the answer to every problem. Magic. Motion affinity threw the phone in an arc onto a waiting hand and I answered it while bringing it up to my right ear.

"Please tell me it's not work," I said exasperatedly. I was in the zone. The lazy zone, that was.

"Uhhh, not really? Not now, anyways." It was Elsyria. I felt relief that whatever was going on I could trust her to accept me pushing it onto her. Unless it was an angry god level threat. Then I would have to move my lazy butt away… Or sic Esdeath on the threat. She had been antsy lately, which meant violently stabby to normal people.

"Then what's up?" I asked. I noticed that my words drawled a little naturally.

"I got an invitation from Yasaka. There's a, uh… ball coming up, or something like it, between the three factions, the yokai, and a few other factions the day after tomorrow. It's not really formal but there will be some dancing and socializing. She wants you to come so she can have legitimacy as she announces the cult as allied to the Yokai."

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