~~Level Four~~

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AN: So the majority vote was to move the story here to it's new, er, thread? FF isn't a forum but it's in a separate place from the main story now anyways.

Also, the vote was overwhelmingly in support of lemons rather than not. Some of you even voted to have your eyes burn from too any lemons. More people voted for that than no lemons at all. I put that option there as a joke! So there will be some sex scenes. Like right down there about halfway through this chapter. Scenes like that are about every four chapters on average based on what I've written so far.

To wrap this up I'd like to thank UNHOLY LIGHT for throwing like forty different ideas at me for world travelling, which was exactly what I needed. Some were good, some were bad, some were weird, two I actually laughed at laughed until I realized that they were pretty smart when you thought about it, and two or three were absolutely genius and I'm totally using them. I have them written down with my plans for that world in a google doc.


[|||| =LEVEL 4= ||||]

"Karkoff, judge fairly," I reprimanded the man. He snarled and whipped his wand towards the air. The 2 that he had originally graded Fleur with became a six. It was still lower than the other judges, Madam Maxime and Dumbledore, who graded with an eight and nine, but it was good enough. I sighed and waved the tournament onwards.

Harry had been stressing over the tournament for the past three days, making him a pain in my behind. He even went so far to ask for an extra few hours of training late at night. I told him to do it on his own since I had work to do.

And for the first time in a few weeks I actually did have work to do. The tournament was a mess, and while I certainly wasn't organizing it (I was staying FAR away from that catastrophe) I was making sure nobody died. In the moment that meant using my metal affinity to make the chains holding the dragons much denser, nearly twice the weight they were before.

I also reprimanded a few dragon handlers for getting drunk, stopped a few more cases of corruption, and checked in with the other champions to make sure they knew what was going on with Harry not getting a prize or formal recognition as a champion and the schedule for the tournament. They didn't need my help, of course, but they appreciated that I was taking my duties somewhat seriously all the same.

I watched slightly boredly as Victor Krum, the third champion, cast a nasty blinding curse on his dragon's face and snagged its egg out from under it. I sighed when the dragon cried out and stumbled around, crushing most of its eggs underfoot. When the scor came up for him I waved my hand and magically tossed a rock at the back of Karkoff's head for giving him a ten when Dumbledore and Maxime gave him a six and four. He waved his wand after muttering a few curses and his ten changed to an eight, which was good enough to be considered fair.

Finally, after a whole day wasted with the pompousness of the tournament, I arrived at the meat of the tournament, the stuff I had been waiting for.

Harry Potter entered the stadium to wave at the audience, inciting a roar of applause. I clapped lazily and watched closely to make sure he didn't screw up horribly. That would be bad for me. In the back of my head Helen was fretting as she had been doing for the whole tournament. Something about giant fire breathing lizards attacking children frightened her.

Harry waved his wand a few times and nothing appeared to happen. For nearly ten seconds he cast spells while standing in place. The audience's mood shifted to whispers, probably expecting something good, while the dragon growled and snapped at Harry, but was unwilling to leave her nest and children. I focused on the affinity in him and nodded in approval at the properly formed spells taking root in his body.

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