bbangkyu ¦ tell me

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tell me
kim younghoon & ji changmin
word count: 1440

changmin has been waiting for younghoon to say that he likes him back for so long. he thinks it's about time.

⌗NOTE ! 
its original title in ao3 is "i like you so much, you'll know it" but idk how the heck can we compress that to one or two words so we're stuck with a lame title instead. sorry :[


changmin doesn't know how can someone be so dense.

so, so, so dense.

ever since he realized that he sees younghoon as more than a friend, he keeps giving out hints to the older boy that he likes him. from longer duration of skinships, calling him in different endearments, and even using a semi-bedroom (?) voice on him, changmin has tried it all. but no, younghoon is still not getting what changmin's implying, and it's making changmin frustrated.

not being that kind of person, but changmin knows that younghoon likes him too. the older never told him, but changmin knows it. he can feel it. which makes him two times more impatient on when is younghoon even planning to tell him that he likes him back.

he even considered forcing him by making him jealous. for a week, he stayed away from the older and stuck only to juyeon like glue. but in the end, his efforts were in vain. heck, instead of younghoon giving in, he was the one who actually gave up. although juyeon gives great hugs, younghoon's cuddles are just on another level, and not experiencing those cuddles made changmin give up on his little, silly 'make-younghoon-jealous' quest.

god, when is younghoon gonna try and be a man? changmin wants to do many things with him already. he wants whole-day cuddles with him, movie marathons with him, picnics on the park with him, dates on the arcade with him, late night talks with him and so much more.

yes, changmin badly wants to call younghoon his as soon as possible but no, he's not going to do the first move. he did his part already, it's time that younghoon move and do his, which is confessing to officially make them a couple.

"calm down. maybe he doesn't like commitment? you can't force someone in a relationship if they don't want to be in it, chang." chanhee said as he peels off oranges at the kitchen.

changmin frowned. "he doesn't like commitment? then he should've not made those heart-fluttering advancements--"

"say ah." chanhee interrupted him to give him a piece of orange. changmin accepted it with a pout.

"--towards me so that i did not expect anything. it's his fault why i'm even hoping like an idiot!" changmin protested, the fruit still in his mouth.

chanhee only nodded, although he didn't understand half of what changmin said because of the orange. "you should divert your attention somewhere else. maybe if younghoon sees that you're not head over heels for him, then he'll finally tell you what he feels? i don't know, but you should stop pinning over him even for a day."

chanhee's idea isn't bad. in fact, changmin even considered it earlier. but staying away from younghoon means no hugs and attention from him, and it's exactly the reason why he gave up on his jealousy mission with juyeon. history will just repeat itself. he can't resist not caring about younghoon even for just a day.

"i have a better idea!" changmin stood up and slammed both of his hands at the table, surprising chanhee who almost cut his finger because of it. "i should shower him with more love! more than what he receives from his friends and family combined! that way he'll finally be unable to ignore my feelings!"

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