Part 1

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My name is Jeon Jungkook i'm 23 years old an im a secret agent. I live in a isolated area in the woods, where no one could ever find me; except my team members aka my hyungs. Let me introduce you to them...

<Roll Call>

-Kim Namjoon aka the Leader/Organizer

-Kim Seokjin aka the Brains/Brave One

-Min Yoongi aka the Hacker

-Jung Hoseok aka the Sweet Manipulator

-Park Jimin aka the Pretty One

An then theres me...

-Jeon Jungkook aka The Muscle/Athletic One/fighter.

<End of Roll Call>

The Hyungs are the only ones that know my location; an they know i would prefer to keep it a secret rather than exploit it (obviously). My Hyungs an i run our own secret agency, our agency consists of only doing good; we handle the worst criminals you can think of. What would take a regular cop or a detective 48hrs to solve a case, it'll only take us 24hrs or less to solve a case as big as the Long Island killer case; so on so forth. But enough about me lets get to the story...

It was my turn to do a mission, i was very hesitant an i REALLY didn't want to do it; but i said ok. As we were going over the mission, i started to have a bad feeling about it. It wasn't like any feeling I've ever had. It didn't sit right with me 'if you get what i'm saying?'...

RM: "Jungkook. JUNGKOOK?!"

I snap out of my thoughts to hear RM shouting my name..

"Yea, listening"

RM: "no your not, did you even hear what i said??"


I didnt have any words to say, all i could do was shrug my shoulders; not looking him in the eyes.

"I was just thinking"

RM: "well can you think about this mission please?, you know this is really important"

Jin: "Hey, ease up on him ok?"

RM: "he needs to get his head in the game, look i know its dangerous an risky but your the best one for the job, if i didnt know what i was a leader; do you really think i would be putting you in danger like that?"

I sighed; because i knew he was right. He wouldnt let me or any of us get hurt, he wouldnt send one of us on a mission if it was to too dangerous, RM is the type to organize an plan what were doing an how we're doing it, i trust RM an the others..they're like family to me an we protect our own no matter the circumstances but the mission still didnt feel right to me for some unknown reason...

"(Sighs); no, you wouldnt an i know you wouldnt put me in any danger, but i just dont feel right about doing THIS."

RM: "its not something new Jungkook, think of it as a new experience; now im gonna go over the mission plans again so listen carefully..everyone...

Explains Plan>

RM: "the mission Jungkook is doing is gonna be a bit difficult. Jungkook your're gonna take down one of the most powerful companies in South Korea (The Kim's Corp.), this company has high security systems...but lucky us we have our handsome little Hacker here to help us (smirks)...

Yoongi: "yea"

RM: "Anyways your going undercover as one of the new interns."

"Ok so who am looking for? You know when i get in?"

RM: "Kai-hyun, he's the big boss thats the one your looking for, he looks like this..(shows picture)..but he's not our target"

"He's not the target?"

Jin: "what do you mean HE'S not our target??"

J-Hope: "yea im confused"

Yoongi: "im equally confused"

Jimin: "yea same"

RM: "they want everyone to think that Kai-hyun is the brains of the opperation but he's not. How do you explain, how the company runs stronger when "Kai-hyun" supposedly takes a vacation an doesnt return for months at a time? Or when the news comes on an they said he's sick an not capable of HELPING HIMSELF? Ring any bells??"

Well he has a good point, going on vacations an being sick would mean the company would lose money..

"So are you telling us what i think your saying?"

Jimin: "there must be someone else behind it all, right?!"

RM: "Yea, someone is running the company an taking care of Kai-hyun"

Jin: "come on guys think, this is the biggest fuckin company in Seoul; the man is sick so he's definitely not running it by himself"

J-Hope: "it makes sense, but who else do we know of thats running the Kim's Corp?"

Jimin: "(gasps) RM!"

We all suddenly looked at Jimin. He looked like he was about to explode (laughs a little).

"What is it Jimin?!"

Jimin: "RM; have you checked for-"

RM: "family members, yea i did he doesnt have any left"

Jimin: "or so you think he doesnt have family left"

J-Hope: "what if Jimin is right? I mean it could be possible because theres no way a sick guy like him is taking care of himself an the company"

Yoongi: "i hate to say this but im gonna have to agree with them RM, are you sure you checked everything on this guy?"

RM: "of course i did, it says here "Kim Kai-hyun has no present family to run the company after he's gone"; im pretty sure i checked everything"

(Computer beeps)

Yoongi looked over at his computer as everyone was talking about the big boss an the company; his face said it all.

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