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<Monday Mission (Day 1)>

(Alarm clock going off)


Its 6am an its mission day...(sarcastic voice)...YaY. But i agreed to do it so it was my choice. There's lots to do like...well there isnt actually; just eat an be prepared thats all. Oh an being safe thats the most important...hehe.

"Hmm what do i want to eat? A cinna-raisan bagel? A chocolate chip muffin? Or some honey nut cheerios?"

Jin: "(yawns) how about not junk? (laughs a little)"

"Hey your up. An thats not junk its called breakfast"

Jin: "im making something anyways so dont touch any of that. You can have whatever you want when you leave today"

"Ok, so watcha makin?"

Jin: "Korean-Egg Fried Rice, with fried eggs of course, bacon an sausages, an Samgyeopsal. Then for snack afterwards fruit salad"...

(Author note: ok those of you that havent had Korean-Egg Fried Rice...madddd good an its easy to make, i've made it a few times)...

"Ok that sounds good but...isnt too early to be eating heavy?"

Jin: "nonsense, we eat like this every morning remember. Perfectly normal".

"So how are you gonna make this, without your special frying pan??"

Jin: "easy, with this..(shows the brand new pan)..nice isnt it?"

"Wow thats nice, where did you get it?"

Jin: "I didnt get it from anywhere, it was laying on my bed with a pretty red bow on it, with a note in it saying...

Note: "Hey i got you the frying pan you wanted. I know i broke the other one; which i know you loved an i felt really fuckin bad that we fought because of my wrong doing. So...i went to the market an found this beauty sitting on the shelf by itself. I hope you enjoy your present baby, use it well. An i love you so fuckin much; i hope we dont have anymore fights between us..its really upsetting to hear you yell at me like that an me yelling back at you. So no more ok?

Your Amazing Smart Lover,

Kim Namjoon😘💖💋"...

"Aww, did he really sign it like that??"

Jin: "mmhm, see he can be a stingy-asshole sometimes. But when he isnt he's like this an it makes me gushy inside, its so cute; god i love him so much, i have to get him something too"

"What are you gonna get him?"

Jin: "i don't know yet, maybe..."

"Ohh shh someones coming down stairs"

(Clears throat)

RM: "(yawns) Goodmorning Jungkook"

"Morning Hyung"

RM: "an goodmorning to you baby (kisses Jin on the lips), i see you found my gift on your bed, do i like it?"

Jin: "i love it Joonie, thank you my smart, amazing lover (hugs RM)"

"Uhh gross (giggles)"

RM: "(nervous laughs) ahh sorry Kookie"

(Foot steps coming downstairs)

Jimin: "good morning guys!"

J-Hope: "hello sunshines"

Yoongi: "Hey"

(Namjin an kookie): "morning"

J-Hope: "Damn Yoongi, why do you always gotta be so gloomy all the time??"

Jimin: "yea, its depressing"

Yoongi: "im not a morning person, sorry if that makes you uncomfortable or whatever"

Jimin: "but you could be nicer when you BLUNT out words like that"

Yoongi: "ok, let me rephrase it then...(nice, sarcastic tone) Morning Fuckers😎; there better Jimin??"

(Everyone sighs)

Jimin: "i guess its good enough, considering its YOU, so yea"

Yoongi: "haha"

Jin: "anyways, children. Im making breakfast, so NO ONE TOUCH ANYTHING."

Yoongi: "Im hungry right noww"

Jin: "i know you everyone else here is too. So dont be a bad influence on them an just eat something, wait like everyone else"

Yoongi: "ugh fine. But if i pass out from malnutrition, i blame you Jin-Hyung"

Jin: "you'll be finee Yoons, stop complaining an sit down. Everyone sit down"

As everyone sat down at the table. The mood of the atmosphere was lighter than usual. Now i dont know if its because of Jin an RM being lovey dovey or Jimin an Hobi being cheerful...early in the morning but its different an i like it; i think...

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