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<The Next Day>

The first week of this...agonizing mission was not my best week. An i can admit i was trying to get away from Tae an his cute, flirty shit an do my actual job. But i have fallen for him. Ohh RM is gonna kill me for sure. Ive been ignoring all of the ear piece an phone calls from RM; i shouldnt do THAT per-say but fuck it. Although, i really need to see whats with this 'Top Secret' room, i have to know if im not ignoring RM for no reason, i need to know if im making the right decision for MY sake an everyone else's, i just need some answers....

Tae: "booo! (Giggles)"

"Hi (blushes away)"

Tae: "did i scare you? (Sneaks a kiss; on the cheek)

"N-no (blushes hard)"

Tae: "aww thats too bad hm? Maybe next time hehe"

"Yea maybe"...

Ever since you know (whispers) last night. Tae has been really giddy an clingy an more happy pouting, even giving me kisses out of no where. Its so FUCKIN cute but strange at the same time, im not used to THIS kind of affection to be honest. I mean we arent a thing yet an he knows that but he still insists on doing it all, an i like it his duality is crazyy. I was always taught to 'NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES...FALL FOR ANYONE...ESPECIALLY YOUR FUCKIN ENEMY, UNDERNSTAND?!' an guess who taught me that stupid shit which OBVIOUSLY didnt work.. Namjoon hyung! (Laughs). But on a serious note im hungry an i need food in my system...Ohhh Hyung hehe.

Tae: "you hungry? Hm?"

(Like he read my fuckin mind or something??!)

I nod my head

"Can we eat waffles?"

(Tae smiles softly)

Tae: "sure. You want anything on it?"

"Hmm...ive always wanted to try...whip cream? On it?"

Tae: "mhm, i see you holding back, tell me."

He pulls me close towards his body..mmm nice an warm.

(Face turns red)

Tae: "aww your blushingg so hard right now (laughs)"

I couldnt stop the words that slipped from my mouth....

"Shush, or im gonna eat you for breakfast instead-"

I immediately covered my face with my hands, embarrassed blushing; ughhh stupid mouth of mine.

His eyes goes big but then he smirks at me..uh oh.

"No wait! I didnt mean it like THAT! Ughhh man"

I buried my face in his shoulder.

(Tae laughs)

Tae: "well shit Kookie, is my boldness rubbing off on you?"

"No s-stop encouraging it (nervous laughs)"

Tae: "ok ok, but seriously what do you want on it? Whip cream an..."

"Umm chocolate syrup an um strawberries?"

(Tae gives me the squinty eyes)


Tae: "is that everything you want?"

"Yes, im positive"

Tae: "ok! Coming right up, go wash up, so you dont worry about it when we go to work"

"Oh ok, but arent you gonna take one too?"

Tae: "already did when you were sleeping, for some reason i had dried streaks of something on my back when i woke up, you know anything about that?"

(I shook my head)


Inside Jungkook's head: "(Fake sniffles; those were my tears)"

Tae: "oh ok, now go shower (kisses me; then pats my butt)"


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