continuing (starting to get 21+)

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<15 mins later>

About 15 mins later, dinner was done; dont worry i put a shirt on before dinner got done;).

We were eating an talking, just talking. But then Taehyung brought out the big bottle of cherry soju. We also had a contest to see 'who can drink the most shots' an guess who won?? Me, haha.

Tae: "(drunk mumbling) lets play"

(I mean i was drunk too but i was in control of my actions an words)

"P-play? Play W-what??"

Tae: "dresssss upppp"


Taehyung walks to the couch stumbling to get those bags he was carrying he gave one to me.

Tae: "op- (hiccups) -en it. I found that y-you look good in it (hiccups) ooh excuse me hehe"

I open the bag an look inside my face immediately turned red; red.

It was...a...Bunny lingrie outfit. It was black bunny lingrie outfit, it came with a choker, butt plug tail, ears, riding crop, things like that; it looked expensive since there was diamonds on the edges of the outfit an the ears.

"(Clears throat) ummm tae?? This is for me??"

(Tae nods his head)

Tae: "mmmhmm do you like it?? Its custom made from my favorite shop, hehe i-i want you to try it on an show me"

I gulped so loud i think he heard me.

"Ohh umm maybe next time? I think we are gonna be too drunk to remember anything ya know? I dont wanna ruin anything between us"

Tae frowned an gave the pouty puppy dog eyes.

Tae: "pleasee, im gonna show you mine too, an i have you know everything we do here stays in this house i wouldnt tell anyone an i have very good memory when im intoxicated (laughs); so go put it on come onnn i wanna seeee"

(Why did he have to do that, make those eyes at me; whyyyyy)

I threw my hands up in defeat

"Ok, ok ill put it on"

Tae: "(smiles) yay!; the bathroom is down the hall to your right, the first door to your right."


<A Few Moments later>

I step out of the bathroom an yelled 'im ready' down the hallway.

Tae: "okyy! Come on out dont be shy around me hehe"

(Ok deep breaths; in an out)

"Here i come, oh god tae what did you buy."

I walk closer an closer to the edge of the hall an see him sitting on the couch waiting for me. Before i could step into the light, he yelled 'wait'; it startled me.

Tae: "you forgot the thigh-highs an the butt plug."

He hands them to me without looking at me.

"But i dont-"

Tae: "i know its scary at first but trust me its gonna feel good, you do trust me right? (Soft voice)"

"Yes (sighed)"

Tae: "put it in right where you're standing, im going back to the couch, ill wait til the WHOLE outfit is on you."

He walks back to the couch; an i put on the black thigh-highs first an then there was the bunny tail. 

I went back to the bathroom real quick to grab the little bottle of lube, so i could put it inside me (gently of course).

I lubed it up an started to slowly stick it inside me; i couldnt help but whimper an moan a little it felt good but the noises echos through the house so im sure Tae heard me; an then it was completely inside; stretching me open, that burn, ohh that burn was so good; my face immediately turned red from blushing so much.

Tae: "ready?"

"Yea im ready now"

Tae uncovers his eyes just waiting for me to step into his view. I dont keep him waiting tho; so i walked in his view an his eyes were instantly all over me.

"(Blushes hard) umm ta da (small voice)"

(Tae eyes grew wide at the beautiful sight)

Tae: "(sighs) wow you look amazing Kookie, turn around? I wanna see the back; see how the tail fits (bites his bottom lip softly)"

I Turn around to give tae a better view.

Tae: "oh god, its perfect, you look perfect"

Tae gets up from the couch walks toward me, i hear him walking towards me so i turn around an our gazes meet; his was so intense, his face looked so powerful so sexy, i couldnt help but just stare at him as he was to me. An then we were face to face inches apart.

Tae: "(deep; soft an husky voice) do wanna have some fun, tonight? With me? It will be just between us"


Tae: "you don't have to if you dont want to, i wont force you"...

(Inside Jungkook's head: "you know what fuck it lets do it, lets have some fun")

My brain was acting first before i could say anything because my hands were grabbing onto his shirt.

"No; i mean yes, i do want to; ya know have some fun with you"

Tae looked down at his shirt an then back up at me an smirked.

Tae: "hmm (whispers in my ear) ill be back dont move from this spot ok Princess?"

I nod my head

Tae: "good"...

(Oof) t-to be continued...

Undercover Taekook ff 21+Where stories live. Discover now