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<Switches the ear piece call to the phone>

I dial seven like Hyung told me to waiting for him to pick up. An when he finally did i had my words to say to him...

RM: "ok what is you were gonna say?"

"He's a nice guy, seriously i have been studying him for almost a week an he doesnt strike me as the type to be dealing in illegal shit, he's sweet an nice, so kind; ill get you the info you need but you need to promise me something? Do you your homework an go look into his profile again make sure you reading everthing right, because he's NOTHING like that 'monster' that you think he is or i thought he was. I'll try an get him to talk about his top secret room but thats it because one i dont wanna get killed an two i dont think i want to 'go on' with this anymore."

All i heard was...silence for a good five mins, then he talked again.

"Hello?? Im sorry Hyung but i just had to say that"

RM: "You like him? Dont you?, an there's no sense in holding back the truth now, since you went off on me like that."


"N-no its just we had gotten close an i dont want you to ruin his career or reputation for that matter; based off what you got from the flash drive. So please just hurry up an find something on him; IF THERE IS ANYTHING SOLID. dont ruin someone elses career if you dont have solid evidence, please hyung."

RM: "so you do like him? Huh i an hear it in your voice, defending him. But ok ill take your words into concideration an ill get back to you in two weeks, keep getting info, but please dont quit the mission ok? I promise ill go a little easy on this shit an you alright?"

"Ok thank you an i was bluffing about quitting ya know? (Chuckles)"

RM: "(sighs) you are just a ball of confidence huh?! Geez, well this is bye for now, take care of yourself an dont completely forget about what you have to do; just because you like him. You have to be on guard for everything."

"Ok ok hyung an i dont-"

RM: "Byee Jungkook (laughs; then hangs up the phone)

<End of Conversation>

(Inside Jungkook's head: "that was like the most serious convo ive had with RM an he didnt even yell at me. I feel proud! (laughs) so is that what it feels like to stand up to someone??")

I walk downstairs; only wearing my Pj pants an slippers, looking around admiring everything. Then i come to this fireplace its beautiful; it looks old but new, kinda an ancient vibe to it. I was about to touch the shelf of the fireplace place when i hear the door jiggling...

Tae: "hey! Can you help me open the door!"

"Oh! Coming!"

I rush to open the door an Tae comes rushing through with bags in his hands. He puts them on the table as i close the door an lock it back.

"I thought you went to get dinner??"

Tae: "(heavy breathing) i did! But i also got 'other' stuff too"

(Other stuff??)

"What do you mean?"

Tae: "i bought more 'toys' an 'outfits', that kind of stuff if you wanted to know, hehe"

"O-oh ok"

Tae: "ooh, i got your check from work 20,000 won like i said; your welcome (smiles)"

"Wow! Thank you!"

Tae: "no problem, now for dinner we are having cold udon noodles, kimchi fried rice an a special treat...Soju; i found the biggest bottle they had!"

(You know its a good thing i grew tolerant to soju other wise ill be in trouble, or worse spill info he wasnt supposed to hear.)

"That is a big bottle"

Tae: "mhm an guess what flavor??!"

"Hmm? Peach, mango, blueberry?"

Tae: "good guess but no. Its cherry! The store said i was lucky to get the last one, because every other store sold out."

"Happy huh?!"

Tae: "yup! But why are you half naked anyways??"

I looked down at my bare-chest an tried to cover up myself, but...

"Oh- i just- i was umm...sorry i didnt think you would come back while i was down here (nervously laughs)"

Tae: "hmm i see, an why were you out of bed anyways?"...

(Fuck, shit, shit, ok calm)

"Exploring i guess? I was just looking around getting a feel of the place. But you have a really nice fireplace"

Tae: "hmm fireplace? Huh?"


Tae: "its funny because it is a fireplace but at the same time it isnt. Its a secret place of mine; not even Pyece knew about this, he just thought it was an old thing that needed 'remodeling' pfft asshole. But anyways let me get started on dinner ok."


Undercover Taekook ff 21+Where stories live. Discover now