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I follow him to his office...

Tae: "please sit."

I sit in the swivel chair while he pulls out a box; a Royal Blue box with a black ribbon wrapped around it.

"Uh pardon my rude behavior but, why would you have something like that in your office??"

When i asked him that he just gave me a smirk. That send chills down my spine.

Tae: "relax its not what you think it is."


"Oh ok"

Tae: "(whispers) i keep that stuff at home, in my bedroom, under my KING SIZED MATTRESS"

I felt my face heat up a bit from the embarrassment. Hopefully he doesnt notice...

Tae: "omg, your blushing. So you  like how i said it like that?? Slow an seductive-like??"



Tae: "aww ok, i won't say  anymore since you feel uncomfortable, but what i do have in this box is snacks"

(What? Just snacks?? Are you kidding me.)

"Excuse me for saying this T-tae, but why the hell would you have a box like THAT; with snacks in it. People are gonna think..."

Tae: "think that i have sex toys in it?? Is that what you were going to say?"

"Well, n-not like THAT but yes"

Tae: "well its because people who i send up here just to get one thing; they like to take my precious snacks. So when i figured that out, i just started putting my snacks in this box; so people wouldnt go in it. It makes them believe i keep sex toys in it. To keep them out."

"Excuse me again for saying this but, its a smart idea but dumb at the same time. What if people start to think you actually keep things like that in here?! Wouldnt you care if people start to talk, spreading rumors?."

Tae was really surprised when i was talking to him more. But im just doing my job protecting your rep...

Tae looked at me an smiled.

Tae: "of course i care, but let them talk, there isnt a law saying i can't have 'toys' in my office or company building. An if they don't like it or too uncomfortable with the idea of their boss being openly gay; then FUCK 'em, I'll just have them fired an hire new employees. I don't take discriminating of any KIND too kindly or lightly."

I was wide eyed at his statement. He really is something, well in a interesting way, but my question is...why is he the brains of an evil operation when he's like this nice but stern person? He isn't striking me as a mad man who wants to take over. Maybe I'm crazy for saying this but..maybe there's a chance; a 1% chance that RM is wrong about KIM TAEHYUNG? Its a thought, but i guess I'll keep going with this investigation.

Tae: "heyy, do you want your prize or no?"

"Ohh um y-yes, thank you sir..i mean Tae?"

Tae: "(softly laughs) hehe, i like you. Your different from the other people i had working for me. I just...i don't know I feel like your gonna be special to me an its actually scaring me. An I'm NOT the kind of person that gets scared easliy."

He trails on, but then stops his sentence completely.

"Is something wrong??"

Tae looks at me blankly, then nods his head an smiles.

Tae: "yes everything is fine, umm actually i might have you go out to run some errands for me"

"Oh yes ok"

I grab a piece of paper from my bag an start to write down everything Taehyung needed.

Tae: "be back as soon as your done"

"I will"

Tae: "oh! Wait just a moment"...

(Oh what is it? Oh ohh its a-)...

"A iPhone X??"

Tae: "yea its a company phone. Every employee new or old; has to have one. Only i could call you, no outside phone calls, so you don't have to remember any number, now gooo"

He lightly tapped my butt to move me along, my face immediately blushing up a bit. But i hurry out of the building an in front of me was a long black car, the driver coming out to open the door for me...

Driver: "Mr. Kim sent a car for you so you wouldn't have to walk"

"Oh thank you"

I step into the car an we drove off.

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