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Changbin walked faster – he always had a harder time whenever him and Hyunjin moved at night to prepare a mischief, as he was considerably smaller and every step the 'long-legged' (as Changbin liked to call him) took, equalled to two or three of his own. During the day, that didn't really bother him, as Hyunjin would simply slower his pace and it also made for a great excuse for when they came late to classes; but at night it was a completely different story, because they had to act quick to avoid being caught by Prefects. 

"Could you please slow down!" Changbin angrily hissed at the friend, breaking into a little jog to reach him. "You know I can't keep up with your pace – you're too tall, it's unfair!"

"Oh, how inconvenient" sassed Hyunjin. "Our little ickle baby Changbin has trouble walking. Such a pity!"

"Brat", murmured Changbin, but loud enough for the friend to hear.

"Whatever you may like, sir" cut off Hyunjin. "Now, it's time to act. We should be in the right spot, miscalculations excluded".

"How do we make sure then?" asked Changbin. "I can't see anythin– ouch!"

The smaller guy stumbled on the other's foot, who exclaimed in a low but audible voice: "Pay attention, will you! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! D'you really wanna get us caught?"

"I wouldn't have fallen, had you kept your filthy Yeti-lenght foot away!" snapped back Changbin.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? Keep walking, when we've already arrived? Be reasonable Binnie!"

Changbin carefully got up, ispecting the surroundings: it did in fact seem like the first-floor corridor they'd checked upon earlier that day, the one students had to walk through to get to History of Magic: walls of very hard and dark rocks, placed in what seemed to be an opulus incertum (he had learnt that in Muggle Studies), quite humid and – most importantly – very, very crowded during mornings.

"Do you have the rope?" asked Hyunjin, making the fried snap back to reality.

"Got it right here" promptly replied the Ravenclaw, handing over the thick rope his mother used to do climbing with.

"Should be perfect" analyzed Hyunjin, carefully placing it on the lower right-sided part of the wall. With one quick, almost unnoticeable wand movement, he secured one end of the rope to the spot perfectly – nothing but the counter-curse would be able to break it.

Changbin did the same thing with the other end – only, he was supposed to secure it on the high part of the left-sided wall (which he knew Hyunjin had left him on purpose, the asshole), so he was forced to use Wingardium Leviosa to lift it.

"Okay, part one – done" he whispered, taking a look at the work they'd done that far. "Now, it should be time for our water ball".

With a smirk, Hyunjin took the ball out of his pocket: he'd had to put it inside a small box so that he would be sure it wouldn't get squeezed.

Water balls, in fact, were a pretty tricky object: even the slightest or smallest squeezing or squishing would cause the small sphere to explode in a never-ending waterfall.

The friends were sure that it would work much better than any alarm for all the living zombies who'd be walking down that corridor to reach Professor Binns' classroom, the following morning.

Water balls were extremely expensive, however, so they still couldn't afford them, as their parents would've got too suspicious if they had suddenly started to ask them large amounts of money (although with time they had got very good at coming up with great excuses for their parents, all to justify their usually costly expenses to buy all the needed products. That had taken its time, though, and they had definitely had their deal of borderline embarassing ones; the funniest one being when Changbin had pretented he needed money to buy presents for his new girlfriend – the only reply the family Owl had brought back had been "Very funny sweetie, very funny indeed. Your father compliments you on your creativity! (a girlfriend!) Say hi to Hyunjinnie from us! Lots of love. Xx", which hadn't been particularly helpful, but had bettered Hyunjin's mood – the boy had just got a T on his Potions essay – considerably).

𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐆𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒' 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 (𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙙𝙨 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now