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Minho liked to think of himself as a decently good Seeker.

He had been in the Slyhterins' Quiddich Team for as long as he could remember, and in his position he had managed to help his housemates seal rather important wins, that he was very proud of.

His main ability lay in his eye-sight – that allowed him to catch the Golden Snidget very quickly even from afar – and in his surprisingly fast and immediate reflexes – thanks to which he could easily switch from one position to another and easily avoid being hit by Bludgers. Ever since his father had gifted him his Firebolt, these had only got better.

My Firebolt... the boy had never wished he had it with him as much as he was doing in that moment, as his feet ran fast on the stoney flooring of the Chamber, being placed unawares of the surroundings as his eyes were fixated upwards, trying to calculate the exact place where the boy was going to land.

Scared out of his mind when the realization of the fact that the time was running out hit, the Slytherin sped one more time, and only started to breathe again when he finally felt the warm body of the boy land – as softly as the circumstances could allow – within his arms.

"Whew" mumbled Jisung, and (apparently without any second thought) immediately hid his face under Minho's chin.

The ladder, beyond himself, couldn't help smiling at the sight of the poor Gryffindor he was now carrying bridal-style.

"So" to interrumpt the Slytherin's reflections was – as Minho had the opportunity to discover – Chan: it was the first time that the boy was actually taking the time to see who had so suddenly come into the Chamber at such an incovenient time.

Looking around, the Slytherin was pleased to see that, other than Chan, he had also been joined by Seungmin; alongside a girl he was pretty sure he had already seen hang around with Jisung and the boy his best friend had scolded during the ride on the Hogwarts Express earlier that September.

"Could you please explain us what is going on?", continued the Head Boy, embracing the Chamber with his arms.

Minho looked around: the Gryffindor certainly had a point – in one corner, lay the two strangers he and Jisung had first encountered down there (it was an oddly satisfying feeling that of seeing that the man had not only been hit by the hard landing on the hard surface, but had also been sandwiched between that and the woman, who had very cleverly managed to land on him and overall didn't look too hurt). Then, in front of him stood the four students (Jisung was still in his arms, and he didn't really want to let go quite yet); and lastly, in the middle of the room, was the snake: it stood motionless and had turned its big, bloody eyes towards him.

The sight of the creature made the Slytherin forget about the question he had been asked for a moment: it in fact looked as if the animal was, in some strange and abstruse way, now almost subdued to him. And, despite the fact that the transition had happened in a time frame he had judged way too long, he now had to admit that the creature had actually been rather quick to make the shift.

As to why, no deep reflection was needed: although the snake had not explicitly told him the reason, Minho had no doubt on the matter – the poor animal had been long forced to oblige the commands of the old man, but had never had the chance to escape nor rebel against the Maester. Finding out that the boy could not only understand it, but also communicate with it, had been more than enough for it to decide, at last, whose orders it should follow.

The communicating part, truthfully, had not been a surprise only to the animal: Minho himself was not expecting for it to answer back to his frantic request of help, and it had only hit him after awhile that the serpent was doing what he had told it to do.

"Minho?" Seungmin's voice brought the boy back to reality – only if just a few seconds had gone by. Before he could respond, however, Y/n shyly stepped forward:

"Is Jisung okay?" she asked, clearly worried.

Minho lowered his gaze to look at the Gryffindor: his head was still laying against his chest, his eyes shut.

"Hey – hey. Jisung!" he murmured softly. The boy, looking adorably lost, slowly opened his eyes and looked around him. Feeling like carrying him entirely was not necessary anymore, Minho gently helped him stand still on his own legs – however, he did not have the nerve to let go of him completely, so he still let him lean on his figure. The Slytherin was not too sure what reaction the Gryffindor would have at that gesture – perharps he was still too weak and wished he hadn't been made to stand up, or (on the other hand) was so proud that knowing he was being helped to stand up would feel too embarassing for him. The ladder, in any case, did not complain and didn't seem to mind his new position too much.

"Oh Sungie!" Y/n was now sobbing, and hugged tenderly the friend.

Seungmin also advanced and hugged Minho on one side (on the other he was still supporting Jisung). "You really had me shit scared for a moment!" his friend said, but this aura of relief and sweetness only lasted for a few seconds, because a moment later the older Slytherin felt a very strong slap on his right arm. "Never dare do something similar again before informing and getting advice from me, you Moron! You could've died!"

Minho furrowed his brows: "Oh, I could have, couldn't I? Too bad I wasn't in my dorm because someone had said he needed help with his Astronomy homework!" Minho snapped back: in fact, despite everything that had happened, he had not forgotten of the prank the friend had pulled at him.

Seungmin's ears suddenly became a deep shade of red: he didn't answer, but that shift in his complexion was pretty eloquent in itself. Seungmin's ears never turned red unless he was feeling really guilty about something.

"So – is no one really going to explain what's going on?" tried Chan once again.

Before anybody could answer, though, a loud mourning suddenly filled the Chamber, causing the six students to turn around – and flinch with terror: the old man had managed to get up, and was now pointing his very own wand towards their direction.


Minsung soft hours: now open :,((

on another note, i hope y'all are streaming strong all stages😔✊🏻 (read: you'd BETTER be streaming all stages)

but YeAh i feel like there's nothing rlly exciting to tell? i've just been working super hard on the video this past few days so nothing exciting has really happened tbh

what would you say is your favorite skz's mv?
to me it's CLEARLY levanter cuz she a queen😌💅🏻

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