𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨)

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As a child, Felix used to spend most of his afternoons after school (he was still attending a primary school in downtown London) at his grandmother's place, where his parents would then stop off at around six to take him back home.

The Hufflepuff conserved a great memory of those times: his granny would make him lunch and give him a big glass of milk with his favourite biscuits as a snack, and would let him watch cartoons on the tv – but only until four, because that was when her soap-operas started, and she never wanted to miss any episode.

Felix didn't mind, because he would just take it as the clue to get started on his schoolwork; but even if he didn't have any, he very much preferred to go play with the other kids of the neighbourhood in the park near by than to stay home with her and endure the tv shows: the boy had never been the type to like such programmes.

But as the situation around him kept evolving, his mind couldn't help but think for a moment about his granny, and of how much she would've liked that soap-opera, had it been broadcasted on channel three and (he sighed imperceptibly) had she still been alive.

"But why would their lives be in danger?" it had been Seungmin to break the awkward silence that Minho's mother had created. The young Slytherin sounded very sceptical, and that was probably due to the fact that his best friend, upon receiving the news, had not taken them extremely well.

That had in fact been another very awkward moment for the small group, but Felix had to admit that the Slytherin's reaction had not been fully unjustified. After Jisung had also left to follow him, in any case, the woman had started to sob so badly that she had left everyone with an uncomfortable feeling of guilt – perhaps all the guilt Minho, on the other hand, was not feeling.

At the end (when Felix was still pondering what he'd better do), it had been Changbin to go over the woman, and pet her softly on her shoulders. To Hyunjin's silent question (that Felix had noticed only because he was sitting right beside him), the Ravenclaw had simply scrolled his shoulders and whispered "She seems innocent" back.

But then Minho had returned, and she had begged him to at least listen to her reasons. And one of those seemed to be that she'd abandoned the two for the pure intention of keeping them safe – and alive.

"There is something that I have omitted, but that is crucial to understand where I'm coming from" the woman's answer came somewhat late – but came nevertheless. "You have to know that I have never got to meet my true parents – the first memories I have, in fact, are with my foster ones. And they are from a very old and 'pure'," a snicker "or at least this is what they like to call themselves, wizarding family. You will have guessed it already: they have all been Slytherins. Growing up, they never uttered a single word about my blood parents, but from the way they acted it seemed as if they were sure that I not only was a witch, but also that, once at Hogwarts, I would be sorted into Slytherin. Well – only one of these beliefs proved to be true, because I ended up in Gryffindor. Oh Lord, were they shocked – and furious! But I had not done anything, had I?

"During Hogwarts, I started to become more and more interested in my true parents' identity, and of why everything had seemed to crumble when the hat had decided that I'd've been better off in Gryffindor. With these thoughts in mind, I knew however that the answers were going to be scarce, if not inexistent. So I decided to ask the weak ring of the family first: I had grown used to calling him 'uncle', and after the infamous Battle of Hogwarts (an almost taboo-topic within the family!) he was murmured to have grown sickly – which was true. I mean – he seemed scared of his own shadow!

"From him, I discovered that my mum had been killed traitorously, and so had my dad: who was of muggle origins, and came from a small village in northern Derbyshire. He refused to say more, but the information I had got was satisfying enough. I travelled there during summer – obviously telling my foster family that I was going to my friend's place, – and roaming around the village I found out that my dad's parents still lived there, and were a very elderly couple. I went to visit them, and told them who I was. I figured that if their son had really married a witch, they would believe me – and they did, actually! I was surprised, but it probably was only because they were old and a bit confused. What I managed to understand, however, was what my parents had told them about my mother's parents: that her mother would visit her father from time to time, and that she always looked very... how did they describe her...?" after a moment's thinking, the woman exclaimed, pointing her finger: "ah, yes – trashy and smelly. And they also added that the only gracious thing about her was her necklace: a silver chain with a big, emerald stone emblazoned in the middle. In the end, my grandfather had apparently ran away to stay with her, and had come back after a while: my grandmother wasn't with him, but my mother was.

𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐆𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒' 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 (𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙙𝙨 𝘼𝙐)Where stories live. Discover now