Prologue: Mornings in the Jones-Braginsky household

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An alarm went off somewhere in the darkroom and it was quickly shut off as someone happily hit it and pranced out of bed. Then said person started listening to music as they got ready. They had already dressed when they pounced on the bed and lay on top of a much bigger person still curled up in the sheets.

"Time to get up Vanya~," The person said

"Ughhhh, 5 more minutes," the other said as most people do.

"If you get up I'll send the kids to their uncle and we could have a long-overdue date night," The original says back

"Blyat, fine," The other said sitting up

"Heh, I'm gonna go cook breakfast for the kids~," the original says leaving the room

The figure opens the door to the darkened room and closes it. In the light of the hallway, you can see it is America with a smile on his face and a long sleeve shirt saying 'Party in the U.S.A' and simple black jeans. He basically skipped down the stairs and started on breakfast.

He turned on some Imagine Dragons because that's what he felt like. Some days he woke up and wanted some metal. Others, he would wake up and jam to some country. This is because of the vast amount of music genres people like in his country.

The countries would probably have a stroke if they knew America could cook and do it well too. He was happily cooking in his world when his Russian husband finally made his way out of bed. He made his way out of the room and started to wake all 51 states and 18 cities. Then, go through the routine with the four babies and one 5-year-old. At that point, breakfast would be served and America would come help Russia with the babies. Then, they would eat as a large family at this huge dining table.

This was the normal routine of the Jones-Braginsky household. Then, Alfred would put lunch in each of the younger states' bags and they would start the drop off process. Then, some of the older ones would be dropped off at college. Many would have to teleport to their state and back with America's help. Whoever was left would ether do paperwork or hangout.

Alfred and Ivan would spend a good portion of the day playing with the four babies before nap time. Then the parents would get a start on their paperwork. America always had more as he was a superpower so the earlier he started the better. Otherwise, he would end up working till 3 in the morning.

"Fredka, you look so cute when doing your work," Russia said making America blush

"Really?" America asks with a bit of vulnerability.

"Da, you are the cutest person the world has ever seen~," Russia said making the American flush more.

America goes back to his work blushing like crazy while his Russian husband would smirk and continue his work. Russia always finishes his work first and goes to check on the babies. The two were seasoned professionals when it came to being parents as the two raise the other 70 from infancy. You see, instead of them being poof-baby's like the provinces, the states were all born naturally and America carried them leading him to be deemed, Mama. Russia was there for America even before they started dating so he had been deemed, Papa. Russia and America are now happily married and wear their rings around the house but have to put it on a chain in public as their relationship is taboo.

Russia isn't really their father, well all except Alaska, but he was still treated as such because their real fathers are "A**holish Putas who are all ignorant gits and deserve to be buried in the deepest pits of h*ll" or at least, that's what Florida says with help from Virginia on some of the word choices. The countries are left in the dark about this giant family and only think one thing about America.

However, that personality has a switch that Russia is still trying to figure out. America, however, for some reason is obsessed with McDonald's burgers even though he absolutely hates McDonald's with a burning passion. When asked about this, America will look away and quickly deflect the question. He even does this to Russia so no one knows why this happens except the American himself.

Anyway, soon after this was the massive pick up of the kid's phase. When everyone was home, America would start dinner while the states settled back into their house and even get a start on their homework. Russia would hover and help any states/cities that needed help in their homework no matter if they were in Kindergarten or High school.

Then, when dinner is served the states would eat the amazing food and compliment their mom heavily as he truly deserves it making the American blush. Then, any unfinished homework would be finished and everyone would be sent off to bed. The babies were put to sleep with the proper measures in case they woke up in the middle of the night. Then, the two parents would pass out in bed and snuggle up.

This is what happens on any regular day. On meeting days, America would wake up alone as Russia would have already left to retrieve his things from his hotel room as not having it there would make his elder sister suspect him and this was a massive secret so they took all precautions.

But, that wouldn't make the American loose his usual morning happiness and everything else would be pretty much the same. America would then drop the kids at school and the baby's at a trusted friend's house. Then, he would go to the meeting and act like a complete dumba**.

After that, he would pick up all the kids and bring them home with a similar schedule for dinner. Then, America would start doing his paperwork and this usually lasted until he finished or Russia and/or D.C dragged him from the desk.

A/N-I hope you liked the Prologue. This was really to introduce you to the schedule of the Jones-Braginsky household and the next chapter some uninvited guests arrive at the American's home and find out more than they should know. Then I probably make you hate some characters but eh. They deserve it in this story. Also, what is editing and word spelling?

Au Revoir

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