Chapter 8: When are you leaving?

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I'm like extremely shocked it got this high as fast as it did

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I'm like extremely shocked it got this high as fast as it did. Thank you everyone for reading my crappy writing. Okay, now the part everyone really came for. The chapter~

The next morning everyone was gathered at the table. Including the tea-bas- England who decided he still had a hold on life. However, America and Russia have yet to appear at the table. States were chatting warmly among themselves and ignoring the countries completely. Well, Shaun(Massachusetts if you don't remeber) had taken to glaring at England and cursing the man under his breath. Something about stupid lobsterbacks?

Hawaii and Alaska are having a nice conversation with Alaska blocking her view of Japan with his body. Nikolai was wearing a shirt that said "I don't usually hurt people..." on the front "But of you hurt my sister I break your neck!"on the back and it seemed to be unsettling Japan as the man is looking around nervously.

That's when America walked in with a limp and a pillow in hand. The countries gaped at him worriedly while the states just wiggled their eyebrows, giggled, or pretended to gag. The still innocent beans just smiled as their siblings told them not to worry when this happens. Then, of course theres the states that squealed like crazy fangirls on helium.

America sat down with a wince, even with the pillow. He starts to get some food. Then, Russia walks in with his usual smile on his face and sits next to his husband and helping him get food. No one says anything.

"Did ya have a rough night last night ma?" Asks Jesse with a smirk on his face as he fixes his cowboy hat.

America blushes slightly and looks at his food with interest. Russia's grin grows and he wraps an arm around his American wife.

"Ohononononon" France started lowly wiggling his eyebrows. England promptly elbows him in the gut.

"So, when are you hosers leaving?" Cassidy asks from the other side of the table where she sits to another girl.

"Um. Another week or so." England says and the states all have some level of dejected looks on their faces.

Groans of protest are heard around the table as states don't what then here more then they have to be. America is just eating and Russia is petting America's head with a smirk on his face.

Breakfast soon ends and no one died.(this time) States scatter among the house doing whatever. Some went to the VR room to play some VR games like Beat Saber and FNAF VR Help Wanted. Some, the regular game room to play video or board games. Some went to the lab to experiment. Some went outside to play with the animals. Some went to the library and took up to reading. Others did actual work they need to for their state. Oh, and the babies were taken care of my mama America and Papa Russia.

The nations...Why do you care anyway? Fine. Fine. Japan and China went to the tea room that exists for no reason and just drank tea and chatted.

The Italies have decided to teach some of the states how to make pasta(they got permission from America. Chill).

Spain is still missing and you know he's probably fine...Probably.

England. Who cares about the tea-bastr*d anyway? Fine. He's dodging the attacks of Shaun and trying not to die or something.

France was too perverted for his own good and is now being cooked by the girls. Frogs can be cooked in many ways. Nadia or Lousiana knows a few.

America puts the babies down for their nap and tells Puerta Rico for the hundredth time he can not kill one of his siblings. Then, he sits on the couch. Well, more accurately he sat on Russia's lap.

America leaned into Russia and sighs deeply. He takes in the scent of vodka and sunflowers happily. Russia smiles happily as he treads his hands through America's undeniably soft hair.

The two sit in scilence ignoring the screaming of children down the hallway as the children are crackheads anyways. They don't hear the clicks of a camera or two nor did they hear the accompanying giggles.

Suddenly, someone screams bloody murder and America launches up. He winces slightly before hurrying to the sourse of the noise. He enters the tea room and finds Hawaii on the floor in shock and pointing at Japan who looks just as shocked.

America pulls his baby girl into his arms and calms her down. She slowly calms down and hugs back whispering lowly to America in a Native language. He responds in that language that few remeber.

Russia walks in and frowns slightly. Japan has recovered and just looks confused and China. Well, he exists I guess...Not for long though.

"What did I do?" Japan asks

"Ah, remeber the time you bombed Hawaii? Well, she certainly remebers" Russia says sorrowfully

Japan's eyes widen as he realizes what this means. He sits down and grabs his tea sipping it slowly like a man who just got back from a bloody war. He bombed a child. He actually bombed a child.

Japan put his head down and China sits there shocked. Shocked at the amount emotion Japan is showing and shocked at everything else.

At some point, Hawaii and America leave the room. Probably to go find Nikolai or Alaska. Russia leaves soon after to enquire if Hawaii is okay. Japan and China sit there unmoving except for the shaking hands of Japan.

Japan has like war flashbacks or something similar and well, China is probably worrying about the Crona virus...

England is probably dead at this point with a large hate club and France is Frog Stew or something. Maybe the newest Biology project. Spain...Well, we don't really know where Spain is.

Oh, Canada and Prussia have been making pancakes for most of the day and a certain someone (*cough* offical_Michigan *cough*) was glaring Prussia down and threatening him.

Ah, good times.

A/N- Your present for my Birthday is this crappy update. Your welcome. This is as edited as my excitement for drivers ED starting tomorrow. As in, it isn't.

Au revoir.

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