Chapter 9: Missing persons...

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Guys, you are killing me. What is this?

 What is this?

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5k reads... Wow. I've never had that much before. Merci beaucoup from a person who knows 0.25% of the French language.

Now, what you all really care for. The story. Brought to you by my grief making me want to write more than anything else.

It was fine morning at the Jones-Braginsky household. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, Canada was tearing his hair out and the house was in one piece. Oh, what do you mean why is Canada tearing his hair out? Oh, that. Well, I'll let it speak for itself. 

"WHERE IS MY FRICKING BOYFRIEND?!?!" a loud distinctly Canadian shriek ringed though the house. Matthew Williams was less than pleased that morning to find his boyfriend had disappeared in the night much like Spain had. He slammed the door and looks around.

"Has anyone seen my boyfriend?!?!?!" Canada asked loudly

"Nope," said America as he passed probably going to make breakfast for too many people. 

"Nyet," said Russia as he passed probably waking up the states so they can start getting ready.

"Non," Cassidy said as she passed reading a book.

"Nah," said all 5 of the Texas 5 at once as they went to go tend the stables or something.

"Haven't seen him." The 13 said at the same time as well as they passed to go get tea and/or coffee. Creepy.

"I haven't like seen him," Catherine(California) said as she walked by on her phone.

"Haven't seen him!" Bianca(Florida) says as skipped by.

"Maybe he picked up your invisibility," Maine said softly as she passed

"I most defiantly have not seen him," Said Torrie as she passed by. She had a guilty look on her face. Oh, Torrie represents Michigan if you didn't know. You will probably find her at the annual maple syrup worship or eating a bag of potato chips as she watches her uncle closely to make sure no one does anything. She is seriously overprotective of her uncle and would probably lower your body temperature to freezing temperatures if you ever looked at him the wrong way. Back to the story,

"Torrie," Canada says sternly

"Yes, Uncle Mattie?" Torrie says innocently.

"Torrie...Wheres my boyfriend?" Canada asks

"That's a good question. I'm gonna go ask if we can have potato chips with lunch." She says before leaving.


"Who is your boyfriend Uncle Mattie? I don't know them....." Torrie says

"You know my boyfriend. Prussia. Gilbert. Now, where is he!?!" Canada asks

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