Chapter 1: F*ck, they're here.

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It was the weekend so, the Jones-Braginsky family was all at home and spending the day together. They were in the living room. America next to Russia in the middle of the couch with a baby in each arm. Russia also had a baby in each arm. Around them were the states and cities. Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico were playing on the floor in the box made by the couches. The older states were next to the countries and the ones who were in the middle of the age spectrum were either on the couch or on the floor. That really depended on the state. For example, Colorado was on the floor playing with her ice powers which amazed Nebraska who was sitting next to her sister.

None of them were expecting the knock that came on the door. Immediately, Russia and America looked at each other asking if they were expecting someone. After establishing they did not, America nodded and D.C stood up and went to the door. He looked through the peeper and saw the nations all standing at the door.

"It's the nations. They are at the door." D.C said quickly and quietly

This caused the states to go to the room specified if the countries arrive uninvited. Russia was handed the babies and America grabbed his Bomber jacket because it made him feel better. He turned on that persona and opened the door.

"Hey, dudes, what are ya doing at my place?" America said with his Hollywood smile

"Didn't you get the email? We're going to be staying here for a few days?" Germany said calmly

"Of course, the bloody git doesn't know. He's too stupid to understand" England complains and America mentally flinches

"Hold on, the hero will find out what's going on!" America grabbed out his phone and found an email from his boss.

"F*ck" America said under his breath before smiling "Welp, come it I guess. Sorry, the house is a mess. I wasn't expecting visitors~" The nations came in and looked around

"You have a very nice house America-San," Japan says

"Thanks, bro, I built it myself actually," America said and metally added without knowing I was pregnant. Ah, good times. Russia almost killed him when America found out he was pregnant again a few days later.

"I hardly believe a git like you could make something like this. You don't have any talent" England says making the American look down. America scratched his neck unintentionally flashing his ring.

"hononon, Amerique what's with the ring? Are you married?" France says

America flinches and hid the ring. He smiles again and starts to inch away. "Anyways, your rooms are this way"

"Answer the question prat!" England says and America just smiles

"I only have enough room for all of you to share. I hope you can organize yourselves. Now, a few rules of the house. You break it, you buy it. You make a mess, you clean it. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner will be served when people are hungry. You snoop and we have every right to cut your snoot. Fights are to occur in the fighting room which is down the hall on the left. You can't miss it. " America says losing the facade a bit

"Who will be making food? I hope it is pasta~" Italy says

"I will be cooking," America says making many of the Nations gape



America just smiles but anyone who truly knew him would know he was breaking.


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