Epilogue: The Meeting

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America yawned as he gathered his things for the meeting today. He rubbed his eyes and looked around to check if there was anything else. He hasn't slept well at all this month, much to Ivan and the states despair. At this point, they were thinking of just drugging him to get him to go to f*cking sleep.

America felt arms snake around him and he leans into a familiar firm chest. He closes his eyes for a second and he snoozed a bit.

"You should stay home Fredka, your obviously tired." Russia said softly

"N-no, I'm fine" America said pushes off Ivan's chest but falls against it tiredly. "Know what, I'm just gonna lay....here a... bit." He falls asleep against Russia's chest.

Russia scooped up the American and softly placed him into their bed. He slips off the bomber jacket, overcoat, shoes, and tie. He then softly took off America's glasses and places them to the side. He then tucks him in and kissed his forehead gently.

He then leaves the room and closes the door with a soft click. He smiles gently and turns around. He enters the living room where a few states were congregated.

"Soo, your mother can't make it to the meeting today." Russia says "I think we should have a representative or 50 for the United States."

The states in the room all smirked. They called for their siblings and thus, the state and one capital army was formed. Thre cites agreed to stay behind and watch America to make sure he takes care of himself. This, was gonna be fun.


The countries all sat at the table in the meeting room. This was a G8 meeting with the usual stragglers mainly Prussia and China.

England was sitting in his chair bickering with France as usual. Germany was watching Italy, who was blabbering about pasta. Prussia was proclaiming his awesomeness or something. Canada was generally ignored. China was complaining about immature westerners to Japan, who could care less because he was in the middle of reading yaoi.

"Where's the git and his husband?" England asks, clearly didn't learn anything.

"I'm sure Amerique and his husband are just running late, too entranced with each others eyes and the power of l'amour~" France says wigginling his eyebrows frenchly. Don't ask how that works.

"I have a bad feering... " Japan said briefly looking up from his manga.

You know how you can sense the oncoming storm? Well, everyone in the room certainly felt that. Everyone quieted and stared at the door terrified.

The everone in the room seemed to hold their breath as they waited for the inevitable chaos they knew was gonna happen. The tense nature lasted until the door opened all that entered was a smiling Russia. Everyone seemed to relax, however Russia started to have an aura of some sort.

It wasn't his usual 'omg I'm so scared I sh*t myself and dug my own grave' aura it was more out of amusement which was somehow even scarier.

"Where's America?" Germany asks

"About that-" Russia was cut off.

51 people flooded the room, well more like 51 children flooded the room. Because the oldest were teenagers bordering on young adults. The countries all gulped as the states made their appearance.

"We shall be representing America today since mom doesn't understand what sleep is." Andrew(You know him as Delaware) said fixing his glasses(like, same though-)

"Hawaii-chan, Alaska- san! How are you?" Japan said to the two youngest.

"Ah, Uncle Japan! I've been great! You should see my place this time of year!" Hawaii said happily as she sat on the table infront of Japan. Her legs, that were hanging off the edge of the table, were swinging as she explained Hawaii this time of year.

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