Chapter 10:...Are found.

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Cassidy, America, and Russia were all going to level 2 of the basement. And then, a loud screech was heard.

HAH, APRIL FOOLS! This isn't any update. No, it is a bunch of memes and things.

Warning- Language.

[Enter scene of a restaurant. Alfred stands behind the microphone]

Alfred, looking at England: Fuck you!

Alfred, looking at France: Fuck you!

Alfred, looking at Cuba: Fuck you!

Alfred, looking at Matthew: You're cool!

Alfred, looking at Ivan: Fuck me! I'm out.

[Alfred drops the microphone and leaves dramatically. England, France, and Cuba are all shocked. Matthew used to his brother's crud just smiled. Oh, and Ivan went after Alfred to make good on that offer.]


[Enter a scene where the nations are sitting around the table. All accept for America and Russia]

Canada: Don't worry. I'll call them. 

Everyone else: How?

Canada, at the top of his lungs: AMERICA!

[The Earth shakes and the doors quiver before they are thrown open. The Nations all widened their eyes.]

Russia, wearing sunglasses: FUCK YEAH!!

Everyone else: *blinks in surprise.*

Canada, also at the top of his lungs: RA RA RASPUTIN!

America, wearing Russia's scarf. : RUSSIA'S GREATEST LOVE MACHINE.

Canada: Okay, they're here.

Everyone else: ????????


[Enter the scene and it is the meeting room, this time however only America is missing. Suddenly, the doors burst open. and America steps in]

America: Sorry I'm late! The hero is here now!!

Germany: Just take a seat America.

America, going towards Russia: Okay

Germany: A real seat.

America, groans and sits in his real seat: Fine!!


Warning- Spoilers from my newest one-shot.

"Once upon a time, there was a great tower hidden in a beautiful grove filled with lush green grass and a large waterfall. The tower was made of bricks and had flowers grown in between the cracks.

In this tower, was a beautiful young man named Alfred F Jones. He was only 19 and had long hair that trailed throughout the tower. It was so long it constantly got tangled, he hated it. However, he was forbid to cut it by his mean father Arthur Kirkland.

"Alfred, let down your hair!" Called a very English voice.

Alfred put his long wheat blond hair on a hook and it formed a rope for the English man. Alfred easily tugged the English man up with his strength. The man stepped into the room and took off the hood of his cloak.

"How have you been?" Arthur asked putting away some groceries.

"Oh, the same. I painted all over the walls. I read all the books. I made all the clothes. I baked the pies." Alfred said with a slightly bored tone.

"I see. You should be grateful I even bought the supplies for your hobbies." Arthur said. "


Alfred looked at himself unsurly. He was wearing a long white dress that had splashes of red and blue. It commented his figure well.

"Are you sure he will like it?" Alfred asks

"Ah, he will adore maman. " Nadia or Lousiana  said.

"Yah, he will always love you just the way you are ma. " Gilda or Houston Texas says.

"I don't know. What if he doesn't like the dress? What if it's not good enough. " Alfred says with worry

"Jeez, ye're worse than the groom. " Toni or San Antonio, Texas said matter of factly.

There was a knock on the door and they looked to see Cassidy. The co-planner of the wedding. She came in and took in the sight of her mother dressed in well a dress.

"Ah yes, this is all coming together nicely. I wonder how it's going on Torrie's side.

With the groom.

"I can't do this" Ivan says shaking slightly

"Papa, please. You can do this. You are the Russian Federation, da?" Ivan nods slowly. "You can and will do this" Alaska or Nikolai encouraged.

"...Da" Ivan stands and dresses in the blue suit. The color scheme of the wedding was red, white, and blue because both of their flags had the colors in common. He dressed and looked at himself. Instead of a tie, as expected, he found a fancier red scarf and he smiled.

There was a knock in the door, Torrie poked her head in and smiles. "You look great papa. Ma will love it. "

She then checked the time and looked up. "You should be heading to the altar by now mister. Get going!!"

Ivan leaves the room and nervously heads to the Alter where he and Alfred will marry in some time.


Alfred walked into the meeting room look he just crawled out of his own gravesite. His bags were so big they could hold the hoarder's TP.   He sat down in his chair and everyone looked at him expecting the usual excuses. He smacked face with table and went sleep. England, who is bitch, looked personally thwarted. 

"Hey, wake up you bloody git" England said slamming a fist down on the American's back. He went to hit him again but Alfred caught it.

"Hit me again and I'll put your hand through the meat grinder, spread your ground meat and bones on your godawful scones, then shove it so far up your ass you choke on them. "Alfred said with a heavy glare and England had a little accident. 

Everyone watched at Alfred went back to sleep and England looked terrified.

"Damn," Matthew breathed out

"That was actually kinda hot" Ivan whispered


Yeah, I feel a little assholish for this but not really... Happy April Fools.

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