Chapter 2: Don't insult Mama

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America smiled brokenly as the countries organized themselves. Canada and Prussia went to their own room on the third floor. The others organized accordingly.

France and England in the far left room as it was closest to the fighting room.

Spain and Romano in the room next to them.

Germany and Italy in the next

China and Japan in the far right.

Though, the countries couldn't help but wonder why they have to share while there are clearly more than enough rooms in a house like this. Little did they know but the third and fourth floor was all the bedrooms for the different states that stayed regularly. Most of the second-floor rooms were too dusty to be used or were occupied by a visiting state as it is family reunion week.

"America, you dumb git. Why do we have to share? You clearly have more rooms?!" England shouts

"'Well, the other rooms haven't been used in some time so they are quite dusty," America says

"Of course, Amerique is too lazy to care for his home. What does one expect from the American?"

"I believe America is just busy," Japan says making America smile at him

"If he is working so hard why is he not paying my debt?" China says

"We are all busy! This git is just too lazy to do his work!" England says

Germany and Italy both stand by awkwardly as both are unsure what to say. Italy is surprisingly quite. Romano actually knows about America's problems as he kinda lived with America for a short while. Spain was probably just daydreaming about tomatoes and/or turtles probably.

"Amerique, you fatass! There is no way your cooking tonight or at all! I refuse to eat garbage!" France says even though they've moved on from that

The countries (Except Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, and Romano) started yelling at the American making him shrink in on himself. He curled up into a ball in the corner begging for it to stop but they continued on.

Suddenly, they heard a gun get cocked and look towards the hallway. Standing in the hallway is a boy who looks almost exactly like Alfred but his hair was a light brown. The familiar cowlick was pressed down by a brown cowboy hat. He was wearing a white button-up and blue jeans. He also had on brown cowboy boots and a lone golden star clipped to his shirt. He was holding a gun at the countries and slowly walked into the room.

"Don' insult Ma" The boy ground out with a deep southern accent (That I cannot write)

"Who are you?" Germany asks nervously

"The name's Jesse(Texas). I don' appreciate ya'll coming into our home an' insulting ma" The boy said stepping fully out of the hallway pointing his gun at the countries.

From behind him came three more people. One was a girl with blond pigtail braids and a brown cowboy hat. She was wearing a brown vest over a white button-up. She was also wearing blue jeans and cowboy boots. She was pointing her own gun at the countries. Next, there was a boy with spiky blond hair but no cowboy hat. He had a red bandana on his neck instead. He was wearing a blue button-up and blue jeans as well. He was wearing cowboy boots and had a star on his belt instead of his shirt. He was holding a gun as well but wasn't looking at the countries. Next, was a boy with long blonde hair and a brown cowboy hat perched on is head. He was also wearing a white button-up and blue jeans like his companions. He had to cowboy boots and had a star on his hat. He held a gun up as well and was glaring at them with sharp green eyes.

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