Chapter 5: Mama's amazing cooking

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Russia dragged Britain down the stairs and the only thing that could be heard is muffled screams.

Meanwhile, America was cooking in the kitchen. He was all alone in the kitchen as the states avoided it like the plague. The reason for this is Mama will not hesitate to throw a knife at you if you come into his kitchen uninvited.

Once, Angelina stepped into the kitchen while Mama was cooking and a second later a knife had grazed her ear. She took no time getting out of there as she took the warning clearly.

Thus, rule 5 was made. Of course, the nations didn't know the rules but they would soon learn.

France woke up finally and yawned as the sun hit his eyes. He happily got out of bed and pranced over to the kitchen where a heavenly smell was coming from.

He looked inside and saw America cooking by himself and singing along to the song being played.

France was disgusted the American was cooking and forgot the aroma that had dragged him there.

'I can not believe ze American is actually cooking. France will save everyone's taste buds!' France thought not knowing that could be his last thought.

France stepped one foot into the kitchen when a knife was thrown catching his ear and slicing off a chunk of hair. He immediately stumbled back and looked at the American who seemed to have been unmoved. America then smiles and grabs the knife out of the wall and points it at France.

"Step into my kitchen again and you'll loose more that just hair. Would be a shame to reenact the French Revolution~" America said in a deathly cold voice before going back to the kitchen.

The American started singing again and cooking leaving a shell shocked France.

France reached up to his hair and cried as he felt the uneven cut in his beautiful golden locks. He stumbled into the Living room and lay on the couch sobbing about his hair.

China and Japan who had for the first time in a long time talking civilly over tea looked at him. China with and eyebrow raised and Japan with a slightly confused expression.

Romano and Italy have been playing games with the kids. They were playing Mario Cart and you can probably guess which two characters they had chosen. They didn't see the Frenchman.

Germany had been reading so looked up easily and raises his own eyebrow at the Frenchman.

"Oh the horror, my cheveux! Cut so gruesomely" The Frenchman cried.

"What happened, aru?" China asks

"I was gonna go save you all from America's cooking but he threw a knife at me. " The Frenchman cried

"Oh, he broke rule number five" Said the states at the same time as the game between the Italies had ended.

"Rule number 5?" Germany asks

"Rule 5: Never go into the kitchen when Mama is cooking because Mama will not hesitate to throw a knife if you enter uninvited" The children recited at once.

They heard a few muffled screams but didn't say anything about it as they were staring at the states in the room.

"Vhat?!?" Germany asks

"Ya see, Ma loves to cook and finds it the only break from y'all so he don' appreciate someone entrudin' on his safe place." Jesse says while cleaning his gun

"Amerique, can cook? But, he's related to Britain there's no way." France says with shiny red tear tracks on his face.

All the states looked at France like you would look at a mouse eating a snake.

"OF COURSE MAMA CAN COOK! I bet he's better than you are!" Abigail screamed as she passed by with a basket of peaches.

"You heard the gal, ya don' know real cookin' until you've had some of Ma's food" Tani said leaning against the couch casually.

"Kids, Lunch is ready~!" America shouts making the house shake. Literally, it shook.

All states that were in the living room sprinted out. This, leaves the present nations to figure out where the dining room was.

When they entered, they saw 72 people and 4 babies already at the table and eating the food hungrily. Russia hadn't been seen all day so they were surprised he was here.

They sat in the empty chairs and grabbed some food. Some were hesitant as they looked at the amazing food. Some, like Romano dug in immeditaly similar to the states.

Eventually, the hesitant ones took a bite of the food.

France, ever the doubter, was pleasantly surprised at the amazing food. Like a piece of heaven had dropped onto the earth as the food he was eating now. France immediately started eating shocking the other countries.

The others, eventually took a bite and were surprised themselves. They took no time in eating the food on their plate.

America was smiling happily at the usual compliments from his many children. He either didn't notice or was ignoring the nations who were now eating like this was their last meal on death row. And no. They were not eating bibles.

"America-san your cooking is amazing. Why did you not share this with us?" Japan comments catching the Americans attention.

"I mean, you didn't ask" America said smugly

"Amérique, your food is magnifique!" France says

"Ja, it's quite good" Germany says

America blushed slightly and looked down. But, Russia grabbed his chin and rose it up making the American blush more as Russia said something softly in Russian.

America looked away still blushing. "Th-thanks" He said and the children either laughed at their exchange or were disgusted because they're immature. Japan had a bloody nose and was looking at the pictures he had.

"De rien" France said

"Your welcome, America-san" Japan said while trying to mop up his bloody nose.

"Well, I have work to do. I'll see you guys for dinner" America said softly to his children before leaving.

Immediately after the American left. 71 pairs of eyes snapped to them. Some even had dark auras. Especially Russia and Alaska.

A/N- Sooo, that's that. I wrote this during the double header today... I'm supposed to be doing Pep Band things... Oh well, I think it will make you all happy. Also, this was edited as much as I paid attention to the basketball game.

Au revoir!

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