Chapter 11:...Are actually found

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Cassidy, America, and Russia were all heading down to the 2nd level basement when they heard a loud gunshot making them move faster. They get to the room with Torrie and the two missing nations. Prussia is hanging from the ceiling and is now bleeding from a bullet wound. Spain seems relatively unharmed and is unsurely standing in the corner. Torrie throws the gun behind her carelessly and it's a miracle it didn't go off. She looked at the hanging Prussian man and smirks.

"Hehehehe...." She giggles with an insane smirk. 

"Torrie, Holy Crap," Cassidy says drawing Torrie's attention to her.

"Oh hi Cassidy ~ do you like my art?~ I call it two bullets and one bird!" She says happily and giggled again as she pushes Prussia on the wall. He winces slightly since the bullet was stuck inside his body. A yellow bird was nuzzled in Torrie's hair seeming not to care about the Prussian hanging from the ceiling. 

Spain hesitantly moved to give Torrie a cup of water. She accepts it with an insane smile. She then drinks the entire thing like any Band kid during Band Camp, it was gone in a gulp. She then handed the cup back to the Spaniard and smiled creepily. Cassidy shifts unsurely and looks around like she can hear him coming. America was surprisingly chill, probably because he was used to his kids being absolutely bonkers all the time and this was probably one of the least forked up things that have happened in this house. Russia was just always chill...because his country is forking cold as heck. Well, I guess heck isn't cold... Or is it?

"Torrie, as much as I admire your artistry I think you should take Prussia down bef--" She started but was cut off as a majestic and angry Canadian slammed through the poor wall furiously. 

"There he is!!" Canada screeches unholily as his violet eyes lock on his boyfriend. He pulls a hockey stick from out of nowhere that looks shockingly similar to a certain 2p Canadian's weapon of choice. 

"Uncle Mattie arrives." Cassidy finishes with a grumble.

America looks at the state of his wall sadly. Yet another piece of his beautiful house broken because of stupid shirt. He wept slightly and Russia just patted his back. He ignored the fact his brother was threatening Torrie with a bloody hockey stick and not the British bloody. Naw, Iggy is already caught up in something. 

Actually, what is happening in the dining room?


England found himself backed against the wall with about 50 different potentially lethal weapons pointed at his head. Mostly guns but there were a few more...creative weapons. The other nations and more placid states had slipped out at some point. Nadia(Lousiana) snook of some time ago after ripping out a chunk of England's hair. She then took out a creepy-looking doll and disappeared somewhere. England was probably more scared of what she was doing then the guns and other weapons pointed at his head.

"We don' appreciate you being here but we let ya stay because we aren' A-holes. Apparently, you didn' get the message that ma is the best darn country out of all ya hosers and he does more for ya idiots than you do in your entire life span." Our favorite Texan state says lowly as he is at the front of the pack with his precious gun pointed at England's head.

That's when Ohio walked into the room. He wasn't the brightest, especially when reading the atmosphere but he meant well. Though, he also can't keep his mouth shut when he needs to. Huh, similar to the what the nations had thought America was like. He's absolutely terrified of Cassidy because he had said something that had really hurt Torrie and Cassidy might've shown him some crazy crap she can do with fire since he pissed her off. He is terrified to this day.

Anyway, he couldn't feel the tension and was looking around dumbly. "Hey, do you know where Cassidy hides the potato chip stashes?" He asks and few notice him.

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