Chapter 6: The Threat and The Superbowl

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Countries shifted as the glares pierced their souls. Though England was missing (read: half-dead downstairs) he probably already got the message.

"We don' enjoy your presence here but seein' as there is no way to avoid this we need to set some ground rules first." Drawled Jesse darkly

"Da, first. You even look at my wife the wrong way and I'll hurt you." Russia said darkly

"Second, make any passes on my sisters and I will cut off your balls!" Dixon(Alabama) said with a glare

"Third, you insult mama in like any way and we have the right to like slaughter your ass," Catherine said darkly

"Forth, Don't mention anything that is sensitive. We do not want anyone having a panic attack. If they don't wanna talk about it, don't ask." Cassidy said darkly

"Fifth, Football is American football and Soccer is your football in this house. Do not confuse it." Andrew (Delaware) said

"Speaking of Football, some select states and cities are really cooperative when it comes to Football. So, be wary. Actually, we welcome any who wants to join us in the bunker since the Superbowl is today. " Trina (North Dakota) said

"Speaking of football-" Jake(Missouri) started

"Come at me bich!!" Fran (San Francisco, California) screeched and they started fighting.

"Merde," Said a girl who could be Tiana's(From Princess and the Frog) twin with hair that was silky like France's. This was Lousiana or Nadia who probably was one of the few that hated someone more than England. Of course, she hated the crap out of France

Suddenly, the room fills with Russia's dark aura and everyone shivers and this makes the two arguing children stop.

"Why don't you take it to the fighting room, Da?" Russia said darkly and the two nodded before scurrying of somewhere.

"Now, I must go remind Fredka about the Super Bowl since the kids who will be watching will want snacks and He already works too much. He's already ahead in his work. " Russia says before stalking off presumably to his Wife's study.

The rest of the children glared.
"This isn't over yet," They all said chillingly making the Nations shiver before leaving themselves.

A girl with short blond hair sighed slightly as she started gathering dishes. She had light skin that seems even paler in the bright dining room. She was wearing an oversized sweater, black pants, and boots and like her uncle seemed almost invisible.

"Would you like some help?" Japan asked politely

"That would be nice thank you" She whispered and continued gathering the dishes.

Japan started helping while the others were shell shocked anyone related to America could be this quiet. Finally, the State and Nation both took the plates to the sink and set them down gently.

Suddenly, America bursts until the kitchen and smiles at his daughter.

"Thank you so much, Elisa. I completely forgot. I'll tell off your siblings for not helping. Also, thanks Japan. "America said before ushering said people out.

America started the dishes while the oven preheated for the many SuperBowl snacks he made yearly. Some, for the sports room where the obsessed ones would watch. The rest, for the ones who would be watching in the bunker.

"What state do you represent?" Japan asks

"Maine, my name is Elisa by the way. It's nice to meet you." The girl says quietly before drifting off somewhere.

And so, over the next hour, a portion of the house evacuated to the bunker where they huddled together and ate the snacks their Mother made while said man comforted them the house wouldn't blow up like a few years ago when the Eagles won...

Russia was watching over the Football-crazed group with his pipe in hand. He was drinking vodka while the children in the room screamed and yelled at either the T.V or each other. He was the more... Severe of the parents so he was there to make sure they don't destroy the house. Again.

The states/ Cities there include:

Petra(Pennsylvania) and Jesse who were arm wrestling at a table in the back screaming about the Eagles and the Cowboys even though neither team was playing this year.

Jake(Missouri) and Fran (San Francisco, California) were fighting with each other or yelling at some of the plays their teams made.

Dennis (Denver, Colorado) was there because he liked Football but was more chilled out as he drank sparkling water(He's too young to drink).

Gilda was there cheering on her brother and yelling about the Texans. Derek was also there and added a few times to Jesse's rant about the Cowboys. The rest of the Texas five was there just kicking back and betting on who would win between Petra and Jesse.

Travis(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) was there more to make sure Petra didn't do anything overly stupid.

(Insert viable options here. Please. I don't know crap about football)

The rest were in the bunker. Though, they were mainly only watching the commercials as that was the best part.

Let's just say. Jake would be boasting for the next 6 months and rubbing it in Fran's face.

Luckily, the house was relatively unharmed. The ones in the bunker emerged and dispersed accordingly. A good chunk migrate to the movie room to watch the newest episode of Doctor Who.

England, finally emerged from the basement looking like he went through hell and back.

Spain actually went missing sometime before lunch and the southern states were pretty tight-lipped about it.

France, fearing for his life enclosed himself in his room and refused to leave. He was rightfully scared as a large portion lead by Nadia(Louisiana) was hunting frogs.

America went up to his study where he was later forced to bed by a certain Russian.

Finally, the only ones left awake where Jesse and Petra who were still arm-wrestling. The ones with bets gave up some minutes ago and decided to see who won in the morning.

All in all, this was a pretty chill year this Superbowl.

A/N- I don't know crap about football but I still felt it needed to include it as certain states and cities are obsessed with it. I tried. I know it's not the threatening you wanted but I drew a blank there. Sorry. This was edited as well as I know football.

Au Revoir.

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